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Hi I found a tag on tumblr

Imma do it becauuseeeee.... Eh.

A- Are you single?

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A- Are you single?


B- Birthday?

Oct. 18

C- Crush?

I don't have one.

D- Did you get your first kiss?

No, and I honestly hope I don't for a loooong time.

E- Easiest person too talk to?

Nobody irl, honestly. (Sorry frens from irl) Sooo, the Internet.

F- Favorite song?


G- Good at?


H- Hair color?

Dirty blonde, but I'm really want to dye it purple or smth

I- In love?

Sigh, nope.

J- Jealous of?

Everybody who doesn't know me

K- Known as?

Muffin, Pidge, Gay Apple (don't ask), Emo

L- Longest relationship?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a few months I think

M- Middle name?

Sue (fuck off)



O- One wish


P- Person last texted

Idk, I'm not in a good enough mood to go check

Q- Question always asked

"Geez, why are you so grumpy?" Or "Why are you so angry/sad/upset all the time?"

R- Reason to smile

You aren't dead

S- Song last listened to

I'm listening to Secrets by Mary Lambert

T- Time you woke up

Idk, I'm csnt remember.

U- 3 biggest wishes

Death, death, death.

V- Violent moments?

I act violent when somebody hurts someone I love, physically or mentally.

W- Worst fear

I've answered this before, and I don't feel like typing it all out.

X- ex you still liked after it ended

Ugh, stop it with all the love questions please. I'm tired and feel crappy and don't want to get ijnto love.

Y- Your last hug

Idk when or by who. Lets just say my mom I guess

Z- Zodiac sign

I hate zodiac signs with every bit of my being, but I'm a Libra.

You can do this tad if you want, I don't care. I'm not tagging people.

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