Modern Jelsa ( The Big Four included )

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Elsa's POV

I open the School doors and EVERYONE is staring. Contol it Elsa! I tell myself. 567. Thats my locker number. I walk to my locker and I hear girls screaming " OH MY GOD THERE HE IS!!!" I stick a finger near my throat and pretend to gag and throw up. This is just disgusting. I think he see's me doing that, because He walks over to me. He tries to kiss me and I duck under and he kisses my locker. I burst out into laughter, when he opens his eyes and realizes he kisses a hunk of metal. Everyone stares at me in disbelief. His friends stare, and the one with the red hair laughs histerically and gives a thumbs up. I smile and head to my classroom. The redhead catches up to me and says" Hey whats yer first class." She has a thick scottish accent. " Math" I answer " Me too. Ye know, that was aye good trick ye pulled bayck theyre. I Merida by the way." She shakes my hand" Elsa" " Ye know, yere the first geyrl to reject Jack.." She smirked " I don't fall for boys who think they can have everything and anyone they want." Merida snickered. " He won't be pleased to heyre that." I smiled " Looks like were here." I said pointing to the door. Merida and I smiled and walked in.

Jacks POV

What just happend? She rejected me. NO ONE rejects me! Merida ran after the girl with a huge smile on her face.  How could this happen. The only girl that doesn't like me is Merida. And thats because she's dating Hic.  Hic and Punzie walk over to me their eyes wide with shock. " Wow. Now she's something." Punz said smiling at Mer and the girl. I don't even know her name. " Who was that. She must be new because she obviously doesn't know who I am. And I've never seen her around. " I said. " Thats Elsa Arendelle. She just moved here from....someplace."  Hic told me. " So she is new. Ha I knew it. I'll have her wrapped around my finger in no time." I smirked. " I dunno. She seems to hate you. Alot." Punz said staring after her. " Hey Hic. I bet you 50 bucks she wont fall for Jack.. Jack if you can get her in 1 week, I give you AND Hic 50 bucks. If you don't, you each owe me 50 bucks." Punz added. " Don't worry Hic, I'll get her." I smiled and some girls around me fainted. I've gotton used to it. I watched her and Merida walk into their classroom. I WILL have her head over heels in love with me. I vowed. I will get her.

Modern Jelsa ( The Big Four included )Where stories live. Discover now