Into Dragon Ball Z We Go!

924 19 17

Character: Allison Buttercup Brick Vega

Height: 5'10

Race: Half black and mexican

Family: All but older brother dead

Job: school (feel her pain)

Hobbies: singing, dancing, running from cops, practicing kickboxing and MMA fighting,and watching anime (hint the title)

Life Story: At the age of 5 and her older brother at 14 their family was in a horrible car crash that killed their three younger brothers, mom, and dad.

If you wish to be in the story just ask i really don't care. 


Chapter 1

Ally's POV

The sun slowly crawled over my face as I rolled onto my side, turning my back to face the sun as I pulled one of my pillows over my head. As I slowly started to slip back into the endless void of sleep, my alarm clock went off. A growl left my mouth as I rose my hand and started feeling around on my bedside table for the noisy machine. After a few minutes, the ringing got louder and my hand finally touched the top of it. I tapped against it a few times as I fully grasped it in my hand and lifted my arm, before throwing the clock against the wall. There was a loud bang as it hit the wall and smaller thuds as the broken clock fell against the floor. I pulled my head from under the pillow and I glared at the shattered clock as I got out of my bed.

"Great. The one day of the year I wish that I could skip, I have to perform at the school. Can today get any better?" I questioned myself as I ran my hands thru my bangs that had fallen loose from my braid overnight.

Setting my feet on the floor, I stood up and stretched my arms over my head, before I walked towards the bathroom. Pushing the door open, I turned the light on and reached over, turning on the shower. As the water heated up, I turned on my Ipod and scrolled thru my music. My finger stopped over Pierce the Veil and I clicked on their playlist as I sat the Ipod back in its dock. I quickly stripped out of my pj's and jumped into the shower. The hot water beat against my skin and I sighed a bit of relief. Moving towards the water, I shoved my head under the water and let my hair become soaked. My fingers worked thru the braid and I undid it as it clung to my shoulders and upper arms. It only took me ten minutes to shower and I got out, wrapped a towel around me and began to do my hygiene. Once I finished, I walked to my room and got dressed. I pulled on a crop top, a pair of black ripped jeans, high top converse and a bomber jacket. I decided to forgo makeup for the day since I never wear makeup on their memorial day. Picking up my backpack, I walked down the stairs and I dug in my bag, looking for my keys when I stepped on something and I fell face first to the floor. A groan came out of my mouth and I let out a soft cough as I looked up and turned my head to look around.

"GODDAMNIT! That really hurts! Riven! Did you leave your stupid skateboard on the floor again?!" I yelled after making sure my nose wasn't damaged in any way.

I received no answer and I let out a growl as I got to my feet and kicked his skateboard out of my way. I stomped towards the kitchen and I still didn't find him. Another groan left my mouth as I ran my hand thru my slightly damp hair.


Sighing, I walked over to the fridge and opened it, pulling out a bottle of orange juice. As I closed the door with my hip, I shook the bottle as a piece of paper caught my attention. Unscrewing my orange juice, I sipped it as I looked at the paper.

"Oh hot damn, it's a note from brother." I said as I picked the paper up and opened it.

"Dear Ally, sorry about not being there when you woke up. I got another call last night, so I'm off on another mission for about six months and I left around 12 last night.Don't worry, I visited their graves and left my offerings. Also yes, the skateboard is mine. My bad girl, I forgot to move it before I left. Listen, don't forget you are performing at school tonight. Knock 'em dead kid. I'm sorry that I once again, won't be there to see you perform, but duty calls. Happy Birthday Ally! How does it feel to be 19? Duces baby sis. Love, Rivin." I read as I sat the note down.

My eyes flickered down to the bottom of the note and there was a little note there.

"P.S. I also took your Dragon Ball manga and anime with me. Thanks sis! You're the best." I read as I saw the little chibi character that he drew.

"That rabbit whore!! He stole my shit!" I screamed as I stomped my foot.

VampireBrat: Hey you guys. I decided after re-reading this that I need to do some Major editing. How could no one tell me all the mistakes that I made?! I was cringing so bad when I was reading this. So, I shall fix these chapters and then I shall also update the next chapter, which is the Tournament. I may also get rid of Bulma and Yamacha being there when Ally meets Goku, because Goku doesn't see his friends until the tournament. Bare with me you guys. I own nothing but the story line and the characters you don't recognize. One Love, One Heart, VampireBrat! Read, Share and Comment. 

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