[INSTAGRAM CAROUSEL] yoona__lim: 2017년의 마지막 날이네요
모두들 한 해 동안 고생많으셨어요-
힘들고 속상했던 일 들은 다 떠나보내고
2018년에는 우리 모두 더 행복하고 건강하게 보낼수...[TRANS] It's the last day of 2017. You went through a lot this year, everyone-
Let go of all the difficult and upsetting incidents and I wish we can all spend 2018 even happier and healthier ❤️🙏
Crd: SonexStellaWaaa want some close up's too💕😍 its so good to know shes enjoying . Sporty Yoong💕