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Roger stepped forward whilst the men held my arms back. He slapped me repeatedly until I spit blood.

"Go to hell." I muttered when he stopped. He just laughed.

"You can't get enough, can you?" He said as he kneed me in the gut. I crippled and doubled over from the wind being knocked out of me. I hung loosely from the mens' grips for a couple seconds, but quickly regained my footing.

"Aw, did that hurt?" He said whining mockingly. I glared at him in hatred and tugged at the arms that were holding me captive. They weren't expecting me to pull so my right arm came free. I took my chance to punch Roger in the jaw.

"No, it didn't. Did that?" I questioned mockingly while the men regained my arm and their composure. Their grip tightened painfully, but I ignored it.

"I will get out of here on my own. Or my brothers will come for me. I don't care if we have to kill you and all your puny men. You can eat shit for all I care. You are not my cat. And you are not my friend. Both of those ridiculous things will never happen." I sneered, spitting blood at him. Roger slapped me once more, the pain numbing the right side of my face now. The iron taste took over all others and it violently flushed into my mouth. I just wanted to make it clear to him that he wouldn't achieve any of his fantasy goals in the end of this.

He laughed viciously.

"Sure, your little cats will come for you." He paused, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth while taking a step forward. "Then why aren't they here? Why do you have to spit blood, whilst they kick back at home? Why haven't they saved their little friend yet? Answer these questions for me June!?" He yelled in my face. I kept a straight face the whole time he yelled at me. Although on the inside I knew he was right. Where were they? I had to have been here for a day or more at least. When the bat hit my head it had been around midnight. The sun was setting now.

"Why can't I make it clear enough for you? Here, let me help. Go. To. Hell." I sneered.

Roger stomped on my foot and slapped me violently yet again. Blood flew from my mouth, dripping onto my favorite leather jacket.

"I don't want to hear her anymore. Shut her up. Not until it's clear they hurt as much as I have, she stays here, you got me? Make sure they see her in bad shape, I don't care how. I will return to make her representable." Roger said to the men that held my arms tightly. They nodded and started to drag me away.

When I past Roger, I snarled like a wild animal at him, not caring if I looked insane. I kicked and pulled, my greasy hair flew into my face as I did.

He laughed dryly and left the house while the men took me back to his room.

I was tied to one of his bed posts with my wrists tied behind my back. They bound my feet and gagged my mouth with a disgusting looking rag. 

"There, now we don't have to hear any of your annoying, pathetic remarks." One of the guys snickered. I growled at them and tugged on the ropes that bound my limbs. The rope rubbed and cut into my flesh, causing me to hiss in pain. They laughed and shook their heads.

I started making grunting noises whilst trying to tug free of my restraints and that was when the men snapped.

"Shut her up already!" One of them shouted. The other nodded and walked over to me. With one single devastating blow, I blacked out.

"How cute. He actually tried. What a sad love story, too bad she's out of your league." Roger puckered his lip disturbingly in front of me.

I blinked violently and immediately noted the throbbing pain in the side of my head now. The pain from the bat had faded when I was hit again, but now a new pain took its place.

Looking around the room, it had gone pitch black outside. My shoulders ached from being in their position for so long and my mouth had gone dry from the gross rag absorbing my saliva. The men no longer stood in front of me, but instead Roger and Michael stood in their place, studying my dead-like figure.

Micheal nodded rapidly at what Roger had said. I furrowed my brows at his remark in confusion, but it didn't take me long to figure out what he meant. Something moved restlessly next to me and my eyes darted in its direction.

My eyes widened in shock and I started to fight against the ropes harder.

"He mosen meserf no me here!" I struggled against my restraints and the gag. I tried to push the rag out of my mouth with my tongue but it wouldn't budge. Roger cocked his head at me and knelt down so we were eye level.

"What was that, sweetheart?" He questioned, making me want to throw up. He needed to be closer for me to carry out my plan that had flashed into my head the second I saw my partner in crime.

"I fait, he mosen meserf no me here!" I demanded making Roger scrunch his eyebrows up in confusion.

"Speak up." He smirked and inched a bit closer. This was my time to shine. As soon as I could, I threw my head into Roger's, causing him to stumble back. My fellow captive stirred and started saying something but I couldn't hear it.

An air conditioning vent sat underneath me and the sharp tab sat just below my hands. Making sure the rope was underneath the tab, I started to yank the rope back and forth rapidly. Roger started to stir in front of me and Michael stood like a deer caught in head lights stupidly.

The rope finally thinned and I was able to snap it. I quickly took the gag from my mouth and untied my feet. Stomping on Roger's gut, I squeezed out every ounce of air he had in him.

I quickly turned to untie my fellow captive and succeed, but he shook his head violently. I gave him a questioning look and looked to see what he was looking at.

Michael had disappeared and a new man took his place. Smiling viciously, he stomped toward us. Stopping front of me and the other captive, he began to talk.

"Well, well, well. Roger won't be able to get through this kidnapping/revenge thing without me will he? Welcome to mi casa, June." He paused. He them looked at the other captive. "I won't forget you, Pony." He shook his head. Pony and I looked at him in awe, not believing he would betray us.

"Steve.." I whispered.

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