You have screwed me over time and time again.
I am way too nice.
I put up with too much of your shit and I am so done.
I want to be there for you.
But, how can I when the second I make contact with you.
You make me feel like complete and utter shit.
You might not mean to but that's how you make me feel.
I don't care what your intentions are.
That. Is. How. You. Make. Me. Feel.
And I want it to stop.
You disappoint me.
So much so that I expect disappointment.
And yet you still manage to do it.
Let me down.
Over. And. Over.
What do you want from me.
I'm just so confused. Why can't you realize your actions hurt others too?
The choices you have been making.
Hurt others too.
Hurt us so damn much.
We want to see you succeed.
But you can't even do that.
One thing goes wrong and you skip out.
You want to make it rich, but you have no drive.
You need drive to succeed.
And you need to succeed to be happy.
But you don't.
You need to realize that life isn't all about money and objects.
Other people have.
Why can't you.
You told me once that people just power a money machine.
They power it to get a new TV, or a dream car in order to fill the void.
The void of their montonous life.
My life isn't montonous.
It never has been.
But in order for you  to be able to handle anything you need to be high.
You need to be high to be happy.
And that's pathetic.
You and your friends can only enjoy yourselves when you are drunk or high.
And that's just damn sad.
People like you are the reason we need money to fill the void.
Because I don't need the void to be filled.
Because I don't have a void to fill.
I can find joy in things.
I wish that you could too.
I wish for your sake, mroe than anyone else's that you can stop.
Stop with all the drugs and sadness.
Because Bro.
You deserve happiness.
But you aren't going to find it that way.

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