Chapter •The Idea•

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(I wrote this myself and I'd appreciate it if no one steals my song it took a while to write and I'd hate for someone to steal my words)

If I could go back in time

I'd give you the love you deserve

But I was so blind

I didn't realize what I had

And now it's too late in time

I see you've moved on, Outta my life

I wish I could take back the time

That i played and fumbled your heart

But now it's too late, I know

I should've done better to keep us together

I was so dumb and young

Couldn't tell you how I feel

And now it's too late for us

I waited to long to tell you

The feelings I had for you

Now I'm sitting here thinking bout you

When I know I shouldn't

Cause if I treated you right

You'd still be by my side

But now it's too late

And I'm wishing we could start

All over again

Craig's p.o.v

I sat there reminiscing on the old memories me and Trey had as I looked through our photo book. We use to be inseparable but things changed, and by things I mean me. I got laid off and Trey had to start working too jobs. I felt bad that I couldn't bring any money into the house to support us. That he had to work night shifts for us to get by. Finally after a year I started working on the streets, but I didn't want Trey to worry so I told him I was working out a night club. I got caught up with all the fast money that was coming in and going to my pockets. I started lying, keeping secrets, getting drunk and coming home all hours of the night. I even came home drunk one night and started an argument. I was so mad at Trey that I told him about the affair I had going on with his best friend Chris. I never meant for it to get that far, but after that we tried to work past out problems but our relationship was holding on by a silk thin rope. Unfortunately we crashed and burned never looking back on the good times we had together.

I never managed to tell Trey how much I cared about him. I never got to tell him and prove to him how much I loved him. I wish I wasn't sitting here all by myself wishing me and him were back together. I've got to get back to the way we use to be. I let a tear fall down my face as I stared at the last picture I had of me and him. I slowly closed the book as I wrapped myself in my blanket and fell asleep on the couch.

•The Next Morning•

The next day I woke up a little sore and stiff but I managed to get off the couch. I placed my robe on and my slippers as I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl, a spoon, and my cinnamon toast crunch cereal off the refrigerator. I made my bowl of cereal and sat down at the bar counter. I ate their silently like I normally did eating my breakfast when suddenly an idea popped into my mind. I hopped up from the counter and grabbed my keys running out to my car.

•At The Science Lab•

I was in my personal office and started writing down the blueprints for my new invention. I have all the tools and knowledge to bring the idea of the first ever human time machine to reality. I ran across the office looking and searching for the tools I needed as I began building my invention. I know I sound crazy right now , but I really do believe if I make things right between us I'll never have to believe he walked out on me. I was now building my time machine and was half way finished when my lab partner came in.

"We'll good morning Craig" Ray said greeting me.

"Good morning Ray" I said.

"So what are you working on?" he asked looking at my blueprints.

"A machine to go back in time and fix all the wrongs I did to Trey" I said.

"Need some help?" he asked setting the blueprints back on the table.

"Yeah I could use some" I said handing him some tools. Me and Ray made conversation while we worked on the machine. I know it's crazy to think I know exactly how to make the worlds first time machine but i have hope in my plan. It was half past twelve and we were almost done building. We needed one more thing to put on the time machine and than we could head off to lunch.

"I've finally found out how to make everything right!" I said as I put the last piece onto my time machine together. It may have taken five years but I've finally found out how to make things right. I can finally win back his heart and make everything right between us. I can finally show him how much I love him and care.

I plugged my time machine to the plug in the wall and waited for the buttons to pop up on the screen. I typed in the first day we met and stepped in to the past all over again.

"So now what?" Ray asked me.

"I want you to sit here and monitor the machine and type in the dates when I've accomplished in doing the right thing and than go to the next date when I messed everything up that's written on the paper" I said.

"What if something bad happens when you try to make it better?" Ray asked moving his eyebrow in a questionable expression.

"Than just start that day over again" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay" he said as he looked at the screen.

"We'll I'll be back.... hopefully" I said the last part under my breath not allowing Ray to hear me.

"Back to the past I go" I said as I slowly stepped into my machine.

I watched as Ray pressed the start button.

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