Chapter Eight

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It was time to go back to school like kill me please I don't want to go back to that hell hold. Jungkook wasn't so happy either. He didn't want to see people which I can relate too. We quickly rushed out of the house and drove to the school. Jungkook quickly kisses me good bye before running off to his class. I had to run to class in slippers, sweatpants and one of Jungkook's shirts. Jungkook was in sneakers, sweatpants, a black jacket and specs. I sneak into the back row as class already began. Mr. Jung was already teaching a lesson about History stuff. I quickly took out my lap top and began to type what was on the board into my notes.

"Woke up later I'm guessing?" Some one whispers to me. I turn my head in a bit shock to see this girl who I've never seen.

"Sorry how rude of me." She sticks out her hand. "My name is Seulgi." She smiles.

"Nice to meet you Seulgi, I'm Aria." I shook her hand with a smile on. She moves her stuff over so she was closer to me.

"If you want I could send you the notes. He wrote a lot and I highly doubt you'll be able to copy every thing before class ends." She laughs.

"Oh um.. sure I guess." I lightly smile. She closes my laptop and hers.

"I'll send it to you after class ends? We gotta do this weird assignment on the old days that has to be like four pages." She chuckles. I laugh with her as we talked through the rest of class. She was such a cool person.

After class

"So where ya heading?" Seulgi asked as we walked out of class.

"Oh I'm just going to meet up my boyfriend." I glance at her.

"Ooooh you didn't mention a boyfriend while we were talking earlier." She nudges my shoulder as we walked towards the cafeteria.

"I didn't? Oh that's weird." I awkwardly laughed. The truth was I didn't really want to mention to girls that Jungkook was my boyfriend.. I mean there's so many girls who are crazy about him what if they try to kill me once they find out??? We continue walking and Seulgi was such a fun person to talk. She can dance, sing, act and is so smart. What else can't this girl do?? She locks our arms together as we laughed like crazy. Before I knew it Jungkook was in front of us.

"Oh!" Seulgi accidentally screamed. She looks up at Jungkook.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you ladies.." He smiled. I unhook my arm from Seulgi and hugged Jungkook.

"You never told me you were dating the Jeon Jungkook." Her eyes widen at me.

"Surprise?" I say while my arms were around Jungkook.

"You didn't tell Seulgi?" Jungkook says pretending to gasp.

"Wait you two know each other?" I looked at them like what the hell.

"Um duh yeah." Seulgi laughs at me. "I use to date Jungkook's best friend Taehyung."

"Oh shit I thought you said you dated Jungkook." I place my hand on my chest.

"Well we dated in kindergarten... but that was pretty funny." Jungkook laughs at Seulgi.

"I remember that! I broke up with you cause you hung out with some guy named Sehun." Jungkook says. I just stood their a bit awkwardly while they laughed.

"But don't worry Aria I'm not interested in Jungkook anymore I have a boyfriend." She looks at me while placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh haha." I awkwardly laugh. "Wait you dated Taehyung?" I quickly said.

"Oh right. Yeah I did. It was interesting but we then broke up after three months. Anyways I'll see you two around. Stay safe! Use protection! Also I'll send you the notes!!" Seulgi shouts before running off. I laugh with Jungkook.

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