The search

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The dawn. There she opens her windows and there comes the sun smiling on her lips, the wind brushing her hair to envy the sun away and beautifull birds chirping a happy melody on her delicate palms. Life seems like a love song for our princess untill a bad wicked greedy witch with two broken teeth of course! who had her imprisoned since childhood shuts those windows forever. Will our princess be saved from her distress will she get the chance to have a glimpse of this wide spread beautiful world with that small witty pet of hers? Well,yes of course! this is what, almost every fairy tale has taught us right?.Yes a brave prince strong handsome prince arrives riding a dashing black horse to save the princess. I am sure that every girl would have grown up with these fairy tales. And along with us, grows our dream of finding our prince charming to make our life perfect.

                                    Meera grows up with these dreams too. Her dream of finding Mr.prince charming grows along with her as she grows into a fine young lady. Will meera find her prince? . Turn the pages for an exiting and a romantic search... maybe, you may find yours too!

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