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Chihiro~kyun : hoiiii you all soooo i make another book and is about.......drum roll please *drum roll* DANNY FENTOM X TIMMY TURNER !!!!! YAYYYYYY *cough* and i could't careless if you hate or dislike the ship....sorry that im not sorry LOL WELP ENJOY~ (/♡3♡)/♡☆♡☆

+with timmy+

Timmy dream

I open my eyes and i notice that i was in a park then there is a boy with white hair and green eyes smiling fondly at him Timmy just blush at the sight of the boy smile.

The boy walk closer and give timmy a warm loving hug Timmy hug back the white hair boy pull back to see Timmy face and smile.

He then get closer to Timmy ear and whisper "don't worry my love i will find you so please wait for me".

Timmy smile of the whisper "i will my Phantom" he spoke.

The white boy lean to kiss Timmy and Timmy close his eyes and there lips about to kiss but he heard an alarm clock.

End of Timmy dream



Timmy then start to wake up and smash the clock bc he ruin his dream with 'Phantom', he get up and sit in bed then tear start to form on Timmy eyes 'why can dream come true' in his mind he then wipe his tear away and glare at the broken clock "fuck you dumb clock". (Chihiro :YEAH FUCK YOU CLOCK RUIN MY SHIP KISS).

"SPORT !?!?! LANGUAGE" Wanda shout to the teen in fairy form and cover Poof ears

then Cosmo pop out in fairy form of nowhere, "TIMMY I HEARD A LOUD NOISE"Cosmo said panic "WAIT IS THERE A FIRE *magic a bucket full of water* EVERYONE STAY BACK"

"Cosmo wai-" 'oh shit!!!' Timmy thought, then Cosmo throw the water on WANDA..........'welp he fucked up' is the thought in Timmy mind.

"COSMO YOU IDIOT THERE IS NO FIRE!!!"said Wanda in an angry tone Cosmo then hide behind Timmy he said.

Wanda then sigh and dry herself she then she looks at Timmy with a serious face " dream about.......'him'......or should i say 'Phantom'..... 'again'... didn't you ?"

Timmy sigh and scracth his cheeck bc they fairy and Chloe already know that Timmy likes boys right now and they already know 'the Phantom boy' who Timmy love when did it happen you ask ? Timmy meet the Phantom 5 years ago but....only in his dream and that just make Timmy realize that he like boys now instead of girls.(Chihiro : dayummm he GAY XD)

But how about Trixie you ask ? Ahh Trixie she indeed pretty but Timmy then realized that she only care about her 'looks' and 'popularities' then be 'herself' and just like he said he like boys now.

But right now in high school Trixie the one who pinning Timmy but it's already to late for that. Wait how about Tootie you ask !?!? Well Tootie tooks teraphy bc she to obssesion of Timmy and a LOT of medicen right now she see Timmy as a brotherly love she even stand up to her big sister Vicky but they Parents is still scare of her and she actually dating AJ right now.(Chihiro : HA ! TAKE THAT YOU BITCH....not Tootie, but Trixie and Vicky >:U).

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