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(these are going to be little one shots)

¡Chen, Xiumin,Kris & Lay!

How would EXO react to you kissing someone else?

Situation: You are an actress and you have the role of the main female character of a k-drama. And so of course you have to kiss the main male character. Is (member) going to be okay with that?


You -how stupid you were- haven't told Chen and already had the kiss with the male character who is played by Seungri from Bigbang. You know that you can talk with your boyfriend about literally everything but you just didn't know how to tell him that. Of course you know it was a mistake of you to not even tell the other members. The only person you said that was your girl best friend. You currently are at her house because you don't know what to do. Chen calls you alot, sends you text messages and leaves voice mailes because he is worried. You never answer or open the messages because you don't know what to say. "You should tell him (Y/N)." Your best friend says and you nod. "I know. But how?"

"Just go to him and maybe ask him to watch your kdrama?" Your friend succested. You agree with that and say goodbye to her.

As you finally ring the bell of the exo dorm you are getting nervous. Chanyeol opens the door. "(Y/N) hey!! Chen your girlfriend is here!!" He lets you in and you close the door. "Ahhh!!"- Chen. You hear him trumble and running and after a few seconds he falls into your arms. "(Y/N)!! I was so worried." Chanyeol leaves you two. Chen lets off you and looks into your eyes. "Are you okay? Did anything happen? Did someone hurt you? Tell me what is or was wrong." He hugs you once again and then he holds your hand and rushes with you into the next free room which is the kitchen. "Please tell me."

You nod and think about how to tell him and what your friend said. You agree in your head again with the idea of your friend. "Have you watched the latest kdrama yet?" You ask. "No but I heard Seungri plays in it, right?" He doesn't even know I play in it?, you think. Wait I haven't told him? Oh boy what kind of girlfriend am I ?!

"Ah yes that's right but also someone else you know plays in that..." "Oh really, who?" He smiles at you brightly and you feel even more guilty. Suddenly Baek shouts:"Oh my god Chen look at that!" Chen takes you fastly with him to Baek and the others into the living room where they watch a movie. But not just another movie. You wide your eyes as you realise it's your kdrama and your kiss scene with Seungri. With a huge guilty feeling you look to Chen who can't believe his eyes, he looks sad. You can't definate the looks of the others but you could feel how sad Chen must feel right now. Your eyes wander to the floor. "Jagyja, why haven't you told me?" You hear Chens voice. You say not anything. You don't even look at him. "(Y/N), look at me." You slowly look at him. "You haven't told me about the drama, you haven't told me that you play in it and you haven't told me that you and Seungri are going to have a kiss. You told me nothing. Why did you not tell me?" He was angry as you could tell. You understand him, of course.

"Chen, I-" You start but he interrups you. "You know I hate being angry or like that but.. Just tell me.. Just tell me why you did not even tell me anything."

"I-" Again he interrups you. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do Chen and now let me explain you." You start and he nods. (The others have left by the way). So you explain and afterwords he says:"Do you know how worried I was the whole day?" You:"I do."

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