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The Doctor had noticed something was wrong with Clara for a while now. She seemed withdrawn all of a sudden and full of a cold. There was something else though, something that worried the Doctor. He couldn't put his finger on it but he just hoped he would get it before it was too late...


10:22am (that day)

"Run, run!" the Doctor shouted as him and Clara sprinted off away from the monster that was chasing them.

"I thought you said it was nice?!" Clara cried back at him.

"Ah, yes I did didn't I? I think I may have meant it's relatives. There a slightly different shade of blue..." the Doctor replied sheepishly.

"A different shade of blue?!" Clara said exasperated as they ran faster. The monster was big but luckily not very fast. That seemed to be a good thing though as after about thirty seconds Clara suddenly slowed, breathing shortly.

"You alright?" he asked as she struggled to keep up.

"Yeah, it's fine," she said back hoarsely and not very convincingly. The Doctor didn't believe a word she said but he couldn't look into to at the moment. Apart from the fact they could be killed at any minuet it didn't feel like Clara wanted to talk about it. Another thing though was that she'd said 'it's' not 'I'm'. Now if she had said 'I'm fine' that would have been different but the pure fact she'd said 'its fine' made the Doctor even more certain that there was something more to it then Clara just being tired...



"And so that's how-" the Doctor said as he was explaining an interesting and complex part of the TARDIS. He was cut off completely though by Clara coughing. Again.

"Sorry!" she managed to splutter out between coughs, her face curled up in pain with every one.

"Sounds nasty, are you sure your alright," the Doctor asked warily.

"I'm fine!" Clara replied adamantly back. "It's just dusty in here! I bet you've never dusted here once have you?" the Doctor didn't reply. "Well?"

"No fine I haven't dusted!" he cried at last forgetting completely Clara's coughing fit that happened moments before. Clara had a knack of changing the conversation very well.

"What, ever?" she carried on.

"Well... Errr no I don't think so!" the Doctor said as Clara raised an eyebrow.

"Dirty boy!" she scolded as they grinned at each other in a way only best friends could.



"My stars it's hot in here! You ever heard of a fan?" Clara asked strolling into the console room.

"Hot? It's hot in here?" the Doctor asked feeling slightly cold himself. Clara nodded fanning herself. "I'll put some fans on for you but I'm cold. Maybe I'm ill... No... Really? No,"

"Actually I take that back, it's freezing!" Clara suddenly said putting her jumper, which she had taken off just moments ago, back on.

"I haven't put the fans on..." he said confused.

"Really? Weird," Clara replied. "Maybe you are ill!" The Doctor was about to agree when he remembered Clara being out of breath and coughing earlier that day. Maybe he wasn't ill at all...


Clara had a cold and she knew it. It was really bad but she didn't want to miss a week with the Doctor. Anything to get a break from being a nanny. She really enjoyed the Doctor's company as well and anyway the cold couldn't be that bad. It was though. Her chest hurt. It hurt to breath and it hurt to sneeze and cough. Running was painful and hard considering the amount of times she had to have a sharp intake of breath. Coughing was worse and with her cold she had extreme coughing fits which made her want to cry in pure pain. Sneezing was as equally as bad but she hadn't done much of that lately to her relief. She was thinking about this whilst walking away from the console, extremely hot again, when suddenly her vision went dizzy. She stopped to grab onto the railing as it the dizziness slowly past. She whipped around to see the Doctor hadn't noticed her. That would have been embarrassing. She continued down the ramp as another wave of dizziness took her. This time she felt sick as well as she saw the ground plummet towards her...


All the Doctor heard was a thump. He turned quickly around to see Clara collapsed on the floor. He ran to her quickly and checked that she was still breathing. She was thank goodness. Suddenly her eyes rolled and she blinked a couple of times looking dazed.

"What... happened?" she asked groggily.

"I don't know you just collapsed just like that but your burning up Clara..." the Doctor replied producing his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket. He scanned her quickly and looked at the tiny screen on the side. "Flu. Your ill and you didn't tell me," he said a flash of hurt running through him.

"I'm sorry," Clara said suddenly, crying.

"Oh I didn't mean to make you upset, come on let's get you up," the Doctor said unsure of how to comfort her. The bags under her eyes were noticeable now and the Doctor felt like an idiot for not recognising the signs sooner. He was meant to be her friend and he'd let her get like this?

"I need to..." Clara started as her eyes drooped slightly.

"You need to stay here with me. That's all you ever need to do Clara Oswald," the Doctor replied truthfully and guiltily. He wasn't going to let her out of his sight for a while.


Ok well I know some of you don't like it but I made Clara unconscious again :) only cause I like doing it which makes me sound weird... Oh well I already devote around two hours of my day writing a fanfic where two of my fave actors have near death experiences haha I'm going to go dark and scary tomorrow because I feel like it so watch out! More soon! Xxx

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