Jayden's escape

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The other Jayden may be able to teleport but that doesn't mean Jayden can't escape the house. Time and time again, Jayden would reach the front door and the other Jayde would teleport him back to is room. He had to find another way out. It wasn't long before he decided to leave through the window. He rushed over and tried to open it but surprise surprise, it was locked. He looked around for the key, everywhere.

Gilmher is sill on the floor trying not to cry over his brother. "Oh come on, are you really that weak?" The impostor asked Ghilmher. "You're little brother is out there dealing with demons inside of his head and you're just sitting here, hoping he's going to be alright?" Gilmher was shocked, he was convinced that Jayden was free. "B-but..." Gilmher replied. "He doesn't have his demons anymore..he's free...you just put that thought into my head..." Gilmher stands up again with a strong grip on what he believes is true once more. "He IS okay! And, why do you even care anyway? You told me you wanted to kill him." The impostor turned silent. Does he need Gilmher to stay strong or does he just want some more action? Whatever it was, it can't be good. 

Jayden was looking everywhere and I mean everywhere for those keys. In the draws, behind and under the bed. Other Jayden got tired of all this searching and said to Jayden "in your pocket." Jayden stopped and looked at him with confusion. "What?" "The keys, their in your pocket" Other Jayden repeats. Jayden sticks his hand in his pocket and pulls out some keys. "H-how did you..?" Jayden was still very confused on what was going on. "Never mind that right now. Just open the window and lets get out of here" Other Jayden said trying to make Jayden hurry up. "Woah woah, hold on." Jayden stared at Other Jayden. "Why do you-?" "Lets just go okay?!" Other Jayden shouted before Jayden could finish his question. Jayden jumped back a little in fear and quickly nodded. He rushed over to the window and unlocked it. The window creaked and before Jayden knew it, he was outside.

"Well? Come on then. Why do you care if Jayden's alright?" Gilmher said to the imposter. The imposter stayed silent and took control of Gilmher's body. "Now now, there's no need for questions that don't matter. All I wanted is some more action. I mean, doesn't everyone?" He looks at his hand. "Huh, you would have thought with someone as passionate as you are to protect you brother, it would be hard to take control. Oh well, time to go ki-Ah!" He fell to his knees and clutches his head. "That's what you think, imposter." Gilmher whispered.  

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