Chapter 1

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I surprisingly once was a happy child. That was before both of my parents died in a car crash. I now get abused by my foster mom whose name is Rachel. She mentally, physical and verbally abuses me. I hear the door slam open "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE BITCH?!" Tears well up in my eyes as I flinch. I quickly walk downstairs "R-right h-here m-ma'am". She slaps me " HOW DARE YOU NOT HAVE MY DINNER READY FOR ME WHEN I GET HOME! YOU GET NO DINNER TONIGHT! DO YOU UNDERDTAND ME MISSY?!" I nod "Y-yes Ma'am..." "GOOD! NOW GO UPSTAIRS YOU LITTLE CUNT!" I run upstairs crying my eyes out. I close my bedroom door and lock it.
I go straight to my closet as I go to my box of razors. I grab one of my razors.
1 cut for being ugly
2 cuts for being alive
3 cuts for being scared of everything
4 cuts for being a bitch
5 cuts for being a mistake
I quickly grab paper towels and wipe my arm getting the blood off. I take a look at the time and quickly put on my black skinny jeans, mcr hoodie my friend got me for my birthday and my black converse. I quietly walk downstairs and see that my foster mom is passed out drunk. I quickly and quietly go to where her wallet is and take about 50 dollars for merchandise and food. I quickly go back upstairs and open my window, go out of my window and jump onto the ground and run to Hellens house. I knock on her door. Her mom answers and she smiles at me "Hello sweetheart " I smile back "Hello Mrs.Richardson". She moves to the side, letting me walk inside. "Hellen is upstairs still getting ready, would you like some water hon?" I nod "yes please, thank you". About 5 minutes later Hellen walks downstairs with the biggest smile on her face. "Crystal! You're here!" She runs over to me and hugs me tightly. I hug back and giggle. Mrs.Richardson then says "are you girls ready to go (A/N I'm ready to goooooooo get me out of my mind. I'm sorry, I had to)
We both nod excitedly as we run out to her car giggling like little bitches. Once we get there Hellen and I run inside and get to our seats. Might I add that we got fucking floor seats and I'm so happy about that. Soon the lights dim and I start to scream.
After the concert
We are so close to going backstage and I'm freaking out so much right now. I'm shaking so much. We soon get let inside. As soon as Gerard, Frank, Ray and Mikey see us, huge smiles form on their faces. I immediately go to Gerard. Right when I hug him I start crying. I don't know why but I pull up my sleeves and show him my scars and cuts. Tears fill up in Gerards eyes as he whispers "it'll get better I promise...shh...don't cry" Before I even know it I'm explaining to him what my foster mom does to me.

Hello there! I hope you enjoyed this fanfic! I love Gerard way and MCR so much! I look up to them so much.

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