Soda Drama

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VERONICA: So me, Heather, and Veronica decided to-
VERONICA: Did I just say Veronica?
CAMERAMAN: Y-Yeah, you said your name.
VERONICA: Fuck. Let me start over.


VERONICA, to the camera: So me, Heather and Heather decided to have some lunch at the hotspot near our school.

MCNAMARA: I'm starving.
CHANDLER: Oh my God, me too.
VERONICA; Oh my God, did you guys hear what Ms. Fleming said to us on the way out?
MCNAMARA: Oh my God, yes, what a bitch.
CHANDLER: What did she say?
VERONICA: When we said "bye," she said "I hope you guys have a great time."
CHANDLER: Shut up!
MCNAMARA: Yeah I know, who says that? Like, can you be any more rude?
VERONICA: She could've just said "good time" instead of "great."
CHANDLER: What drinks are you both gonna order?
MCNAMARA: I-I don't know, I've never been here.
CHANDLER: I've been here for, like, a thousand times. You should get the orange soda, it's amazing.
WAITER: What would you ladies like to drink?
CHANDLER: I'll have the orange soda.
VERONICA: Strawberry soda, please.
CHANDLER: *looks at VERONICA, unamused*
MCNAMARA, blushing: M-Me too!
CHANDLER: *looks at MCNAMARA, surprised*

CHANDLER, to camera: I am so shocked and betrayed right now. SAWYER and MCNAMARA have completely thrown me under the bus.

CHANDLER, mad: I... can't believe you guys did that!
VERONICA, confused but slightly turned on: ...Di-Did what?
CHANDLER: You didn't order the orange soda, you bitch.
MCNAMARA: We changed our minds, Heather.
VERONICA: Strawberry is better.
CHANDLER, standing up: Whatever, fuck you guys.
CHANDLER: *walks to the bathroom but, like, in a sexy way*
MCNAMARA: Heather, seriously?
VERONICA, tURNED ON: Don't be stupid. This is stupid. Why are you being stupid?

MCNAMARA, to camera: T-This is typical of Heather. She always makes a big deal of soda. At least I'm alone with VERONICA. 😊

CHANDLER: *opens the door of the bathroom stall and cries*

VERONICA: ...Don't tell her I said this, but she's such a crybaby.
MCNAMARA, concerned: S-Should we check on her?
VERONICA: No. If we do, I'll start laughing.

VERONICA, to camera: Chandy crying is the funniest and cutest thing ever.

CHANDLER, still crying inside the bathroom stall: i JuSt DoN't UnDeRsTaNd WhY tHeY wErE gEtTiNg StRaWbErRy WhEn I sAiD tO gEt OrAnGe!!!!!¡!¡!!!!

CHANDLER, to camera: I admit, I might have overreacted a bit. But after taking a long shit, I was finally able to face those dipshits.

CHANDLER: *goes out of the bathroom stall and goes to their table*

*there was no one*

CHANDLER, arms crossed and confused: Where did they go? They have my keys.

VERONICA, to camera: We ate and went home.


CHANDLER: WhAt the fuck?!?!??


Lol this was based on the Kardashians spoof :^)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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