Mystical Feilds

49 1 1

Prompt #10

Write a monolouge that starts with the word "blue" and ends with the word "face".


Blue flowers and green flowers.All collor flowers were there, in that field. The feild where there lies 800 unnamed and desceased bodies. no one would guess that, thats whats there. If someone other than myself and the 799 other dead bodies here, did know about it no ones come and dug one of, the bodies up. no ones informed the police. no one realises what they are doing.

I see the young people that come to this feild every other day with their significant others. I see them professing there so called 'love' for one another. Everyday I rise from my grave and i float towards the highest branch on the highest tree, and i watch.

The young ones come here as a romantic gesture when in reality they know nothing of what they've just done. What it leads to. I watch the young kids be happen in the moment, feeling pity and disappointment in the depths of my heart.

They've fallen vitcim to the feild - or as we 800 and counting bodies call it, Death's Feild - ,but then again, so have I. The more theese children come here and the more this feild gets residents, the more space this feild is going to need. This feild will spread itself out and capture more and more innocent souls, more and more rapidly.

But its hard to stop a machine when you have no button to push, plug to pull, lever to twist. How do you stop a machine -the feild- if you have nothing to stop it with? what do you use? what are you expected to do?

The funny part is that the feild although seems beautiful was made from the purest of dark evil. This feild was created as a ploy for someone truely evil to take over the world and flip it and mold it into a black evil nothingness. Yet more and more people come here adding fuel to the fire that will burn their own worlds down. But they dont know, do they?

Yes they do.

The machine -this goddamn feild- has no plug, lever, button. This machine runs off of fuel. Now the new question is, what is the fuelings of the machine? Theese goddamn idiots that continue to come to the feild.

The machine -damn feild- is fueled and runs off of coal -damn idiots. So how do you stop a machine that is constantly producing coal to fuel itself? You take away the coal, right? right.

I've figured all of this out. I've had quite alot of time to do so. But the question that I can not figure out for the death of me, that has been puzzling me since I figured out what needs to be done:

How do you pick something up, when you no such thing as a solid hand? How do you talk to someone and convince them of your emotion -desperation-, when you have no face?

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