A Brand New Day

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I woke up really early not expecting David to still be asleep except he had his arm dropped around me.
I started to get up when I felt him shift a little." Please don't leaveme stay for a little while longer." "I can't stay I have to get going I have a show today." Carsyn says. David let's go and she gets up she gets ready and leaves.
       As she was walking to her desdenation she wasn't paying attention and ran into a door that just had opend. "MY GOD." Carsyn yells."Im so sorry is your nose broken or anything no it's fine." Carsyn says taking her hand off her face. "You must be one of the dancer preforming here I'm so sorry let me show you were the rest are." A guy with blue eyes and blond hair says he kinda cute you thing in your head no Carsyn stop you have a boy waiting for you stop. You started following him." Here ." "Thank you....." "Harvey." "Harvey." "Carsyn you made it I thought we were going to have to change the dance." "Got a little caught up ran into a door you know the usually." "Oh my seriously.HAHAHA." Gweneth says laughing. "So Carsyn I say you met Harvey hes like really cute isn't he. I mean look at him." "Yes very cute Leslie. But I as ready met someone yesterday I can't be like oh he's cute let's go on a date then meet up with the other one. Thats not how it works." "YOU MET SOMEONE WHATS HIS NAME?" "His name is David." Carsyn says then Harvey walks in "You guys are next good luck." You guys walk passed Harvey and each gave him a hug for good luck you were the last one out and he gave you a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck." He whispers in your ear. "Thanks." Carsyn says while blushing maybe I can I mean me and David are not dating maybe tomorrow. "Hey I was wondering if you like to get lunch tomorrow meet me at (random place) at 1:00 OK. Carsyn says walking off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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