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"Are you not going to ask?"

He said while reining the horses. We're on our way to the seventh province.

"Ask what?"

"Why we're the only one traveling?"

"I don't usually ask the obvious, milord"


The answer should be obvious. We're traveling alone because if we brought many guards with us, we will alert the Dark cultists. I know that they have many eyes around the states watching our every move. I just hope that they didn't infiltrate the castle or that would be a big problem. Traveling alone is not that dangerous and threatening, even if there are bandits waiting to ambush you along the road, that is if you're traveling with the warlord named Raiden Ryuu.

It took us seven hours before a group of bandits appeared on our way.

"Look what we have here..."

I can hear a hoarse voice and a grinding of swords, that bandit is probably holding a two swords but I didn't bother to look over the window. Lord Ryuu can handle it by himself, I will just get in his way.

It didn't take long before I heard the clashing of metals to metals and the next thing I knew, the carriage is moving again.

"Are you hungry?"

His question was answered when my stomach growled.

"Just hang in there. I can see a town ahead, we're going to stay there for a while"

Even though I can't see him, I can tell that he was smiling because of my growling stomach and I don't feel embarrassed at all to him. I've done a lot of embarrassing moments in front of him. Maybe I'm not that shy in front of him now.

"Where are we?"

I asked while looking at the window, there are so many people and wagons carrying goods. There is also a sea beside the road where the carriages and wagons are rolling, and of course there is also many ships transporting goods. This town must be rich.

"This is my fourteenth state"

'My' I can tell that he was smirking while saying that sentence to me. The arrogance...

The carriage stopped and the door at my side opened.

"We must keep a low profile here though"

He said and offered me a hand and I accepted it.

"I know...."

"That won't be a problem to you, right?"

I look up at him.

"And why would it be a problem to me?"

He put his free hand at the back of his neck

"Well... you're born from a noble family and you're used to luxury and high comfort"

I almost laugh at his statement. If only he knew what I've done in the past during my childhood days, he wouldn't even believe it for a fine young lady.

"Don't worry about me, I can assure you that sleeping in the inn doesn't even bother me a little or we can even sleep in a camp if you'd like"

He give me an incredulous look and laugh.

"Seriously? Thank you for your consideration then, milady"

He was still holding my hand when we walk through the busy crowd. We passed several stalls and he was making his way as if he knew the place all his life.

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