small bump // tumblr request

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Pairing: Colby Brock x Reader

Warning: None

Requested: Yep. Anonymously. "Can I have a Colby imagine where the reader is pregnant and he sees the baby bump for the first time and gets excited or fluffy? Xx"

Hope you enjoy 🤗 tell me what you thought and as always requests are open 💞💞.


It was another peacful Sunday moring.
Y/n awoke to soft sheets, the warm embrace of her love Colby, and the morning light as it trickled in through the blinds.  Feeling the cool morning breeze on her skin that was left exposed outside of the blanket they both shared.

Shedding herself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, Y/n's eyes were still shut as she soaked in the warmth of her covers before opening her eyes slowly to see the sun's rays lighting the room.

Suddenly feeling the strong urge to pee,as any three months pregnant woman would first thing in the morning, she quietly detached herself from Colby, lifting the covers slowly trying her best not to wake him up. After doing so successfully she quickly jogged her way to the bathroom.

While doing what had to be done, She thought of how lucky she was; that the morning sickness didn't 'bless' her with it's presence every single morning.

She also thought of what unbelievable things have happened in her life in the past few months.

Colby and her found out that she was pregnant around three months ago now.
These were the best news the couple has ever gotten and no words could begin to explain how much they wanted this.

from what people have told her she is supposed to start showing any time now, that's way lately she grew the habit of looking at herself in the mirror every morning in search for that small bump.

And as she did so today. She saw something quite amazing and very, very exciting.


Luckily, Colby at this time was already awake, scrolling through his phone. he awoke shortly after the warmth of Y/n's body left him, feeling the emptiness in a place that should've been hers.

And thankfully the walls between the bathroom and the bedroom were quite thin so his pregnant Love's shout sounded like a loud and terrifying scream, appropriate to any worrisome man who's girlfriend was pregnant.

"what is it?!"  he shouted frantically fumbling clumsily with the duvet and running as quick as he could to the bathroom, busting the door open.

she's surprised it didn't break at this point, he stopped dead in his tracks "is everything okay Y/n? whats going on?!" .his breathing quick, his eyes wide wandering around her and the room trying to find the reason for why she screamed .

seeing as she was perfectly fine, he sighed in relief. as Y/n stood there, smiling widely at Colby, he was undoubtedly the best thing that has ever happened to her, sometimes she wonders how did she get so lucky.

"look," she said softly, intoxicated by the joy of the moment. slowly lifting the baggy shirt of his she always wore, with the proudest look on her face.

his facial expression changed immediately, his hands moved up to his face to cover the widest and most beautiful smile she has ever seen.

Tears started to well up in both of their eyes. Y/n turned her head to look at herself in the bathroom mirror rubbing her hands gently up and down the little and almost invisible bump.

" I can see it, it's so crazy..." She chuckled softly.
"Our little bump" Colby mumbled, walking behind her hugging the side of her body tightly, eyes glazed by the beauty of this moment with the person he loves most in this world. kissing the side of Y/n's head with a long loving kiss.

"baby that's amazing...I- I don't know what to say..."he talked into her hair wanting to absorb everything about this incredible moment.

Involuntarily tears started to fall from the couple's eyes. None of them minding the tears though, knowing they were pure tears of love and joy of what has been, of what is happening and of all that awaites them, all that in these very moments is becoming so much more real.

"I love you so much Y/n" he said . His soft hand cupping her cheek tilting her head up to look into his eyes.

"I love you too Colby" she whispered in a loving voice. Turning around in his arms hugging his torso tightly her head hidden in the crook of his neck.

"I can't wait for this little thing to join us already"Colby cooed, breathing in slowly trying to take into himself as much of her scent and her presence.

"you're gonna be an amazing dad, Im sure of it." She stated confidently leaving soft little kisses on his neck.

"Thank you baby, and you'll be a great mother" his gaze fixated on the picture in the mirror in front of him that he adored so much.

They stayed that way for a few second just enjoying their lives before Y/n mustered up the courage and peeped nervously.

"I don't know Colby, I'm scared..."

"Don't be" Colby reassured her gripping her body a little tighter,bringing her closer to him. If that was even possible.

"What if they'll hate me?" He knew, at this point, head her was racing thinking of all the worst case scenarios.

It was indeed a scary change for the both of them but he knew they can do it as long as they are together. And he also knew that won't ever change.

"Then I'll be there to show them what a wonderful person you are.." He started rocking their bodies calmly side to side in an attempt to comfort her.

"they won't hate you Y/n, I don't really think that is human" he chuckeld smoothly she giggled too and started rubbing circles on his back.

"I don't know how to take care of a baby...I don't know if I can even push it out of me"

"You can do it, I know you can, I knew from the very first moment you'll be an incredible mother Y/n" he admitted truthfully. Pulling away from her cupping her face with one hand and the small of her back with the other.

"Thank you Colby" tears still falling from Y/n's eyes, his manged to dry a bit.

they looked deeply into each other's eyes, falling more and more in love by the second.

"And I can promise you with all I've got that I'll be there with you all along. Through the best and worst times, you will not be alone, I'm not leaving you baby.ever."

"Pinky Promise?" She asked in a childlike voice extending her pinky out to him.

"Pinky promise" he chuckled, shaking his head.
Taking her pinky in his shaking it, pulling her hand to his mouth kissing it lightly.

Without another word, keeping their pinkies connected, she led him out of the bathroom and  back into their warm bed.

Colby Brock imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now