LordXalavador tagged anyone who read it as of 12/31/17 was tagged.
My answers are about Pokemon.1. The Five Swords by WezzleGamingMore before he rewrote the story.
Pokemon School by Sawyer-Kun.
For The Love of 2 Couples by yusei _13
2. Amourshipping (maybe not, but SO much evidence.)
3. Airplaneshipping or Moonlilyshipping.
4. Enejiang
5. Dulse from Pokémon Ultra Sun.
6. Zossie from Pokémon Ultra Sun.
7. Lysandre and Hunter J. (They actually TRIED to kill someone.)
8. I'm changing this to "Favorite Pokemon(s)" and that would be Gallade and Eevee.
9. History?
10. Well written stories about Pokemon. (Majority of them seem like they're written by 10 year olds. Probably.)
Anyone who reads this today and during January 2018 is tagged.