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@ethandolan: i was busy trying to find the right filters for this picture im sorry :(( @fatherkels

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@ethandolan: i was busy trying to find the right filters for this picture im sorry :(( @fatherkels

881, 007 likes
13 234 comments

@mainsethan: fuck im hungry now thanks

@babyboii: i cant cook....

@dolanbabies: not even pancakes? @babyboii

@graysacutie: looks so yummy

@graysondolan: i will treat you better @fatherkels

@artsofdolan: WHOA WHOA WHOA NOPE

@ethandolan: stop trying to steal kelsey from me @graysondolan

@notkelsey: yall dating or what  we need the truth 

@dolansmain: mmmm so yall still talk to nate or not

@fatherkels: i should've been with you @graysondolan

@fatherkels: your filters are ugly anyway @ethandolan

@putaicons: from nate garner to ethan dolan to grayson dolan mmhmm

@ughhoe: shes a hoe what else do you expect? @putaicons

@babyboii: thats rich, coming from you @ughhoe

@babyboii: girl, not to be rude but you tities need some implant @ughhoe

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