~A Word Beforehand~

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 First off, I would like to thank all of you lovelies for picking up a story from the Demon Goddess Series! ^-^ This series is just me feeling the need to add my OCs from a manga I'm currently making to some seriously awesome series! So without further ado, lets start! <3

OCs :

Name: Natsume Ryuunosuke (sometimes goes by other names to hide her identity)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Race: Demon Goddess; The demon gods are insanely powerful gods that supernatural beings happen to worship; It is also impossible for a supernatural being to resist the urge to protect a god

Appearance: Waist length, curly/wavy black hair (which she refuses to comb, you'll learn why during the story); Green eyes that turn fuchsia when angered; Wears cutesy dresses for no apparent reason; Refuses to wear makeup without a proper reason; very attractive

Talents: Cooks like the goddess she is; Decent at dancing; a professional hacker and gamer; She took classes as a kid and now can speak Korean, Japanese, Dutch, and English fluently; she is a child prodigy, and is in 10th grade; also is a part-time model

Abilities: Super Strength; Regeneration (she regenerates at an incredible speed); Call (anyone or anything can summon her when they are in need); Force (she can command any being to her will); Pyromaniac; Vampire (if she feels low on energy, she can steal it from others); and lastly, Hunter (she can smell blood, comes in handy for tracking people); she tries not to use her powers

Weapons: Anything really; her favorites are her two swords, Excelsior and Xavier

Family: A sister who abandoned her after finding out Natsume was pretending to be human; A brother, Azuma, who is seriously overprotective; her brother's friend, Mizuna, who constantly refers to her as "wife"; her familiar, Hiro, who is an overprotective cat yokai; her yandere bodyguard Eito, who is a dark mage; her idol friend, Hikaru; and her butler, Kousuke, who is a nine tailed fox

Home: Sakura Lane, Japan (she owns the entire street); the Demon Empire (she rules as the patron god and princess there)

Likes: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel; Frankenstein; anyone whose personality isn't trash; cute things; chocolate; sleeping; animals; tea

Dislikes: Bullies; people who interrupt her; being touched without permission; eating; spiders; anything scary (like ghosts or haunted houses); people talking about her height (she's sensitive); math

History: Natsume Ryuunosuke was born the demon god of war, making her a target to many supernatural beings. Despite her title, Natsume was a very peaceful goddess. Misunderstanding her intentions, the exorcists came up with a formula to kill the gods. The exorcists massacred the demon gods in what became known as the Celestial War. Mizuna and Azuma took 3-year-old Natsume and fled as soon as the battle begun, making them the last remaining demon gods. But these hopeful times were fleeting. As soon as the trio reached Earth, their paths were split, leaving the mortal toddler to fend for her own until she reached the immortal age of 16. When she turned 15, her foster parents were murdered by the exorcists and her adoptive sister abandoned her. The exorcists, fearing she may turn to extended family for help, murdered them as well, not knowing that her maternal cousins were the head of the Yakuza and that they had left her a fortune. Natsume fled to Japan and bought an estate there, realizing that she was next in line to be the head of the mafia. She went to school at an area nearby and tended to the Yakuza, all while slowly gaining her powers. Unfortunately, because she has not turned 16 yet, using her powers wears away at her, leaving her regeneration to fix as much as it can. After discovering the other gods' whereabouts and making several new friends, acquaintances, and becoming part of the demon empire, Natsume makes an oath that anyone who is in need can summon her at any time. She regrets that decision sometimes...


Hope you stick around for Chapter 1,

Demon Goddess

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