☆a sad love story☆

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Now i am not responsible for heart breaks shown in this sad one shot. Mature content </3

My mworning startad out wike normel, breakfast, hwair and whatever else i do in the mworning.

Then i go out to ze crwappy bus stop and zee dat glorious rwed haired boi skipping his ghey ass over to ken you not, thy blound itch flirting wif my manz.

Instently i walkz over to zhemz and pwush through Ken you not, "Ecuze me" hearzing zhat bwue eyed coc puff wike the bwg bad woof woof made mez anger.

Pwunching ken inz hiz dwirty bleund mouf phelt goodz to meh, wipen ze snoot off meh handz i turns to khal who juzts cwies. "babeh dun cri i didz it 4 u bby"

Know sobben leik a cwy babeh, khal wipped hiz eye und wooked awey. "i did notz wantz dis doe, i sworry stan goob eye"

Hert i churked on a swob und not hiz jew dic wike i wuntd. "wisten her jer" gwabbing his vampirr palez arm he puld it awey and wippdd his jewish twears awey. "i-i-i-i sorreh sten"

Gippien hiz arm tighly leik i wuld muh dicken i penned wim dwern unto ze groend and kissied himz leik nev3r b4 "I wove u khal"

"I w-w-w-wove u t-t-t-too sten"

Und we leived happeh forz ever.

Donut coffee

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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