We arrived at the resturant, but the walk there felt like it was never ending. For like 3 blocks, no one really noticed Niall. Then we were getting closer to the resturant, and we saw girls there. It was as if they were following us, but who knows, mabye they were. They kept on asking for pictures, so i nudged Niall, and whispered, "Hey, if you take the pictures we can go eat faster, and you should take the pictures, because i know how they feel, i mean they love you!" Niall agreed to take some pictures, and they all started asking who i was, and they thought i was his girlfriend. We kept on telling them we were just good friends, but they kept at it. It got kind of annoying, but i can understand why they were acting like that. I mean if i never got Niall's number, and i heard Niall was going out to dinner with some girl, i would ask questions too. I could tell Niall was getting hungry, so we were going to go. Niall said bye to all of the fans, he held my hand, and we started walking. Niall was so sweet, and I was still in shock that i spent the whole day with One Direction. We got to the resturant, and we were seated. There was papperazi every now and then, but we just ignored them. It was a lot of fun, and i learned a lot about Nial that i didnt know! He wanted to know more about me, but i was scared to tell him about my life.I was scared that he wouldnt look at me the same if i told him about myself. I ended up telling him, and he was really sweet. He gave me a big hug, and he didn't judge me. I felt i could tell Niall anything, and i don't feel like that with anyone except Bella. I was getting tired, so we decided to leave. I tripped on the sidewalk because it was raised, and i really hurt my ankle. I couldn't walk, so Niall offered to carry me. He gave me a piggy-back ride all the way to the hotel. Niall said i could stay the night since it was really hard for me to walk, so I told my mom i wasn't going to be home, and that i will be home in the morning. Niall gave me one of his t-shirts, and his sweats. We decided to watch a movie, and we chose Finding Nemo. We sat on his bed watching it, and it looked like he was crying. He was so cute, i started bothering him because he was crying. He started tickling me, and i was yelling at him to stop. He said he would if i said sorry, and at this pint he pinned me to the bed, and was sitting on me. It was as if we have known each other forever. I refused to say sorry to him, so he wouldn't let me go. He started to just stare at me, and he said, "you are so cute when you try to fight back!" I answered him, "And you are so cute when you cry!" He started tickling me again, and then something happened. Niall Horan kissed me, not just like a peck on the cheek. It was a full on kiss, and after we kissed we felt weird. We both decided to just go to bed, and talk about it in the morning. The kiss was perfect, and I didn't make that move, Niall did. I was about to go to sleep, and then i thought about it. "Niall James Horan just kissed me!" I went to bed as a very happy girl!

Once In a Lifetime♥- A Niall Horan Story♥
FanficKrissy has been through a lot in her life. She has been at a really low part in her life, and has tried taking her life before. One Direction helps her with some of her problem. She has a thing for Niall, and she got a once in a lifetime chance, and...