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Kelsey P.O.V

I just came back from my Photoshoot for Myer. As I entered the front door to get to my house, I saw my Parents, my Older Brother, My Younger Brother and My Baby sister all dressed up going somewhere.

" Hey, Sweetie how was your Photoshoot today." My name said walking up to me for a hug, " It was amazing mum" I Replied hugging her back, " Mum, Why are you, dad and My siblings all dressed up" I asked her, " Sweetie, we're going to My Best friends Son's Birthday Party" She responded, " Oh Cool and what's your best friends name?" I questioned her, " She's my best friend from work, her name is Jo Silvagni" Mum answered, " Okay then mum Hope You, Dad and My Siblings enjoy your day out" I mumbled quickly to run upstairs and watch Riverdale.

" Kelsey, wait, we are all going together as a family So, I need you to quickly shower and get changed," Mum told me, " Mum I need to have a nap" I lied because instead of going to a birthday party I'll just rather watch my favourite Series, " You can nap in the car" She responded back to me, " But, mum please" I tried begging, " Sweetie don't make me sad" She said showing me her sad facial expression, " Fine then Mum," I said to her and ran to my room to pick an outfit, have a shower and to put on makeup.

15 Minutes later

I finally got out of my room, heading downstairs seeing my Family waiting for me in the loungeroom.

"Kels you ready sweetheart," My dad said, " Yes I am Dad" I replied and we all went outside our front door to get in the car.

" Brandon come over here for a second" I pulled away my older Brother, " What?" he questioned, " Can you please take me a photo so, I can post on Instagram," I asked, "Ehh Okay" He responded and took photo's of me to post on Instagram.



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Sahar.Luna Brandoncalemine & 1,268 Others Liked your post

FathKels Thanks Brando 😘

Sahar.Luna Das my Bestfriend 😍🔥💯

username1 You're so pretty 😻

FathKels liked Username1 Comment

FathKels Luv ya bestie @Sahar.Luna 😘

Brandoncalemine Allg Sis xx

Myer 😍😍🔥

FathKels 😘😘 @Myer

Username2 Can I be you 😍😍

FatherKels Liked Username2 Comment

Stassiebaby 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

FathKels @Stassiebaby 😘

30 Minutes later

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