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"What do you want from me?" Jungkook murmurs, moving forward to grab both of Jimin's wrists in a tight grip, his broad, muscular chest pressed flush against Jimin's body as he cages him against the wall.

"What do you want me to do to you, Jimin?"

Jimin takes a deep breath.

"I want you to pick me up with those strong arms of yours and fuck me up against the wall unti-

"Yah Jungkook-ah! We've been calling you for 5 minutes already! Give me that damne-" The younger boy hurriedly locked his phone as he slapped his Jin-hyung's hand away. His hyung yelped and tugged at the younger boy's ear.
  "Ah hyung, I'm sorry!" He pleaded as he held on to his now red ear. His hyung huffed and headed up to his room, leaving the maknae to try to soothe his ear.
The rest of the boys chuckled at the scene as Kook pulled out his phone again. He unlocked his phone absentmindedly and was caught off guard when the fanfiction appeared. He hurriedly exited out of the app that he downloaded to read it and looked up to see Hoseok standing over his sitting figure.

  "What you got there Kook?" The red head asked as he tried to pry the phone away from the now flustered boy. Hoseok laughed as the boy shook his head furiously, signaling his hyung to back off. "It's nothing hyung, I was just on Twitter." The elder looked at him with disbelief, "Hm, right. Then why haven't you posted if you were on Twitter?" He was about to open his mouth again but he was interrupted by a sleepy and obviously irritated voice.

  "Hoseok-ah! Leave the boy alone and head upstairs, I'm already sleepy and I need cuddles!", Yoongi declared as his prominent pout faltered when he rubbed his eyes with his sweater paws. The red haired boy sternly looked at Jungkook and decided to leave him be and followed his boyfriend up to their bedroom. Yes, they were boyfriends. You could say Yoonseok was real, the young boy chuckled to himself.

  Jungkook scanned the apartment's living room and noticed that there was no one left aside from him and Taehyung, oh and Jimin. Jimin oh my god. He shot up in his seat and decided to get some water from the kitchen. His mind was still blank as he walked to the water dispenser. Wow, would Jimin hyung really act like that? Damn it! I really wanted to read more of that fic. I need to know more!

  He gulped down the rest of the water when suddenly,
"Jeon Jungkookie~ What were you doing on your phone earlier, huh? Were you looking at pretty pictures of me?" The younger boy choked on his water as the blond bundle of fluff approached him. Jimin was shocked and he rushed to pat the boy's back.
"Oh, are you okay? I'm sorry bunny."

  To say that Jungkook wanted the ground to swallow him at that very moment was an understatement. He then proceeded to pull himself together and faced his hyung. As he opened his mouth, his eyes connected with the other boy's eyes and he was lost for words.
Damn, Jimin hyung looks so good. I could just see those fan fictions coming to life and I'd be glad to d- WAIT what are you thinking man?? He finally gained some sense and replied to his hyung.

  "I'm fine hyung! I swear it's nothing. I know you have pretty pictures, but I wasn't look at them earlier." He replied, scratching the back of his neck. Jimin pouted slightly, teasing the other boy as he released a deep sigh. "Ah, I thought you were. Anyway, let's head up to our room! I'm sleepy~"

Oh shit, Jungkook just realized that he's roommates with Jimin and he was reading damn fanfiction about them.

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