Social Awkwards

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"Amanda! If you don't get your ass over here in five minutes, I swear to god!" I could hear the other end of the conversation because the person on the other line was yelling. It was probably Liz, my sister was always on the phone with Liz, well, Liz and Kaite. My sister assured the phone that she was coming over as soon as she could. "Mom! I'm borrowing the car!" My sister yelled as she ran to get her "lavender cardigan" she got so mad at me when I called it a purple sweater. My sister rushed out if the house while tying up her blonde hair. I sighed, my sister was ALWAYS going somewhere which always made my social life seem shitty in comparison. I grabbed my phone desperately trying to actually do something. I decided to text Sam, 'Hey, 'sup?' I got a response five minutes later, 'U wanna go c a movie?' 'Sure, wat u wanna c?' 'Whatever.' 'Cool, c u in five.' We both live like five minutes away from the mall with the little movie theater. Which is how we became friends.


"Oh my god!" Lilly shrieked, "do you see his haircut? It's atrocious!" She burst into laughter. I smiled but I never really liked Lilly, she was kind of a bitch. She ran over to Rebecca to tell her mean joke about Samantha's sweater. Hallie ran over to me, "Lizzy, oh my god! Have you met the new kid, Sam?" She asked, all smiles. "No.. why?" I laughed at how excited she was, "because he and I have a date on Friday!" I shook my head, "Of course." Hallie punched my arm, then cried out and massaged her knuckles. I doubled over with laughter and ended up on the floor giggling until my sides hurt. "Hallie!" A boy's voice rang, I glanced up to see Hallie entangled with a boy. Some people might call him gorgeous due to his silky blonde hair falling into his very blue eyes, his sharp, long nose and his full lips the edges of his mouth curling up slightly, but personally, I wasn't impressed. Amanda told me I had to appreciate pretty people, "after all, of they weren't here we'd all be hermits because nobody wants to wake up in the morning to ugly people." Amanda can be pretty superficial, especially when it comes to boys. "Lizzy," Hallie giggled nervously, keeping her eyes on the boy and with gritted teeth whispered, "Get up." I stood, brushed my hands on my jeans and shook his hand, "Lizzy." He smiled then looked at the dirt I'd transferred onto his hand, Hallie looked mortified. But he just laughed and wiped his hand off on his jeans, "I gotta go, they're playing basketball." "Really?" I started following him to the basketball court but Hallie yanked my wrist back. "Lizzy!" She cried, "what is wrong with you?" "What do you mean?" I asked pulling my wrist out of her grasp, she let go. "Lizzy, you're meant to be a girl, if I wanted a guy best friend I would get a real one, you're supposed to be my girl best friend! We're in high school now, the tomboy thing isn't going to work." She sighed loudly and patted my shoulder, "maybe we better stop hanging out for a while." I slapped her hand off of my shoulder, "so you're breaking up with me?" I raised an eyebrow. "Temporarily," she nodded solemnly. I laughed, "Okay, whatever." I stood up. "I'm so glad you're okay with this." I nodded, laughed and walked away. But I wasn't okay with this, I ran home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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