Chapter 2: A Day of Complications and Preperations

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Harry Potter: Beginning of the End - Chapter 2

Chapter 2: A Day of Complications and Preparations

A/N I do not own Harry Potter. I own the thoughts, ideas, and direction I chose to take the story in. I claim no other rights other than those of my own creation. -Sytravious

Harry woke with a start as a loud banging noise could be heard from downstairs. Dragging himself out of bed Harry realised this can mean only one thing... Vernon Dursley was awake, and he was hungry. The normal morning routine requires that Harry is awake to make the Dursley's breakfast. After having ran so much yesterday and the mental stress of having Sirius die so recently was taking a toll on the young wizard.

Harry quickly runs down the stairs to an angry Uncle Vernon. With nothing but a glare that clearly says, 'Cook, now.' Harry hurriedly warms two pans and pulls out eggs and bacon. Determined to get permission to go to Diagon Alley today, Harry has no choice but to do whatever he can to make his Uncle happy.

"Where is my bloody breakfast boy?!" Yells Uncle Vernon, spraying spit all over his morning paper.

"Its cooking now." Harry hastily replied. Harry flips the eggs and lets them continue to cook. As the bacon and eggs sizzle in their pans, Harry contemplates how best to ask Vernon to let him leave. Deciding he would go whether or not he agrees, Harry finishes cooking the food.

Grabbing a plate from a cabinet Harry puts Vernon's food on the plate. Harry grabs the jug of milk and pours out a large glass of milk. Harry gently places the plate and glass on the table in front of Vernon. Vernon takes one look at it as he sets his paper down and begins digging into the food, devouring it within minutes of it being set in front of him.

Disgusted, Harry hides his contempt asking, "Um, Uncle Vernon? I'm going to send a letter to have Ron and Mrs. Weasley come and get me later today to take me to Dia- ...London. Is it ok if I go with them?"

Horrified at the idea of those freaks coming to his house, Vernon angrily replies, "How exactly will they be arriving? I don't want my neighbors to see some freaks walking through my doorway!"

"By floo, Uncle Vernon."

"Flew? You are telling me these freaks and creeps are all going to fly over here in that car again? No! Not in my house. I wont have it!"

"Not flying! They are going to come through the fireplace again. You know, like Santa."

"You and your freaks better come and go. No dilly dallying around. You understand me boy?!"

"Uhh... I think so. So is that a yes?"

Vernon only made a grunt in reply which Harry took to mean yes, so he climbed the stairs and entered his room. His beautiful owl Hedwig is sitting in her cage.

"Hey girl," Harry said while petting her. "Feel like flying to the Weasleys with a letter for me?"

Hedwig hooted in reply, which Harry took to mean yes and smiled. Sitting down at his desk he pulled out a piece of parchment, a quill, and a small bottle of ink.


I need to go to Diagon Alley and I have no way of getting there. Could you come and pick me up? Uncle Vernon agreed to let me go, but only if you come by floo powder. I was hoping we could spend time out in London as well. There are a few things I need to do in the muggle world so dress to be out in London. If Hermione is there can you bring her as well? I am guessing she is probably not since its only the second day of summer. Thanks Ron. Tell everyone I said hi! I hope to see you soon.

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