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This collection of short stories is about a world where people of all ages have peculiar abilities, to everyone else, they are known as specials. These tales follow some of the choices made by some individuals between the ages of 12 and 18. These teenagers have been selected to tell their worlds story from all four corners.

Children are the most dangerous specials- this is often because they find it hard to cope with their powers. The youngest recorded special was only three years of age. The girl was discovered after she set her family home a flame, her mother and two of her siblings perished.

After several incidents similar to this, the government made the move to say that every special had to register and have their powers studied to see if they are safe to remain on the streets. However, there is a selective few that choose not to register as if the government find some dangerous specials they will be put to sleep.

Be thankful you do not live in this version of earth.

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