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*zipper sound*

Dee-What is it baby?
Nova-Exactly what I needed to see,he said about to pick up a pack of weed.
Dee-No don't touch it.Just in case the cops do fingerprint search I can't lose you.
Nova-Your right.Call the cops.

*Hour later*
Police(Pete)-Where's the bag.
Dee-Next to the couch.
Police Pete went to investigate.
Police(Pete)-Yup it's real.Take it out the house Fernando.
Fernando(Cop Assistant)-Will do sir.
Police(Pete)-Thank you for calling ma'am but we got it from here.I just need to know the young lady's name.
Dee-Talia with some complicated last name but it starts with an S.
Police(Pete)-Alright y'all have a nice day.

Nova-What do you think they gone do?
Dee-I don't know but I hope they catch her.
Nadia-Hi mommy.Hi daddy.
Nova-Come here babygirl give your dad a hug.Where have you been?
Nadia-With grammy she helped me make this mac n cheese necklace.
Nova-Oooo pretty.But it's not a pretty as my little girl.*kiss attack*Daddy loves you.
Naida-I love you too daddy.

Momtranada-How'd y'all day off go.
Dee-Not well we didn't even do anything.
Momtranada-Well Nadi and I had fun doing a little bit of everything.

*A week goes by and nothing happens Dee's been doing step excercises to get the baby to drop for futher test today.Let's hope it's not conjoined twins*

Dee-Back in this thang again.
Nova-Yeah it sucks to be here this isn't even a part of your daily check up you come every two weeks.
Dee-I'm just worried.
Nova-Don't be I'm sure it's fine.
Dee-What if it's not.
Nova-I'm here for you.Nadia's here we support each other babycakes you know that.
Dee-Okay.Hey Nova?
Dee-Can I have a kiss?
Nova-Yeaaa*mwah smooch smooch slob slob*(whats wrong with me lol)
Naida-Eww dadda.
Nova-You want one Nadi.
Nadia-No I'm want to play a game.
Nova-What game your choice.
Naida-Freeze tag!
Nova-Okay Tag your froze......Hey your bot suppose to move.
Nadia-I didn't say go.
Nova-Oh okay
*Nova trails off to the monitor they pit Dee on*
Nadia-Go,then she took off.
Nova-No fair you cheated,he yelled running out the run after her.

Doctor-Nice family you got there.
Dee-Yeah they're the best.
Doctor-Well it gets better your just having a normal baby.......

Sorry this isn't long but I'm running out of ideas I know I said in 5 more chapters this will be over but.I thinm the last one is the next one.But I'll updating the first chapter of the other story abd trust me it's way better than crappy story.I hope y'all think so but once its out let me know how it is so I know I can continue it.

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