12~Surprises Everywhere!

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Tori POV

We reached the ₩ and parked into the parking garage.

We get out the Yeti and head into the elevator. Damn was I scared of elevators but hey who cares right WRONG! 

Right when Logan pressed the button I held my breath. Logan looked over and he noticed I was scared. "Hey you okay?" he asked I nod still holding my breath.

Logan POV you honestly dont understand how many times i break down because of this name now...

 She looks REALLY red! I crouch down to her 5,5' self and put my hands on her shoulders "Hey breathe you are gonna pass out"  she nods but then collapses in my arms. I panic! BUT THERE ISN'T ANY TIME FOR THAT!

Right when the doors open I grab our bags and Tori bridal style to the apartment. I dash in and set her on the couch. Lydia comes in concerned "Uhm who is that?" she asks "Long story but put this in the closet in the new room" I say. 

I get a glass of water and set it on the coffee table so when she wakes up she can have a drink. I also decided to end the vlog.

30 minutes. Still not awake. I check her pulse. Normal. Well I regret what I'm about to do....

I dump the glass of water on her and she instantly wakes up. I grab another glass and she scolds me "LOGAN WHY'D YOU DO THIS" "You wouldn't wake up after you passed out." I say coming over and handing her the water. She drinks half the water and dumps the rest on my head.

She starts dying of laughter "I deserved that I guess" I say laughing along.

Tori POV

I finished my little session and Logan jumps up. "Ready for your surprise" he says excited I nod unsure.

He leads me to this door which is like two feet away "Close your eyes" he says. I do so. I hear the door open and close. From the other side of the door I hear "OKAY WALK IN" I start to shake a little but I calm down and open the door. 

My jaw drops. "You did not" I say admiring it all "Do you like it" he asks I glare at him "No" I say. His whole face changes "Well we can change i-" "Logan I flipping love it!" I yell running over to him and hugging him. He smiled and hugged back.

After this short woman came in and looked at us oddly "Hey Lo is that your girlfriend" I asked clueless she laughed. Really hard "No I'm his assistant" she said settling down. She came up to me and shook hands. "Why the hell do you need an assistant" I ask "For this" he says. he unzips his bag and she sighs. He takes out a plate and throws it out the door I glare at him. "That's rude!" I scold. He laughs.

"Okay Lydia this is my daughter Victoria Marie Paul but call her Tori"  he starts. Victoria Marie Paul that actually has a nice ring to it low key not gonna lie it does XD "Tori this is my assistant Lydia Kenny" I smiled and she did too.

"OH SHOOT LYDIA CLEAN THE PLATES BEFORE THE YOU KNOW WHAT GETS HERE" he says. "huh" I say "You'll see" he smirks. I stop Lydia and I get the broom and I clean the plates instead. One of them cut my ankle but I was used to it so whatever. I heard barking, come from what I think is Logan's room, when I threw the plates out. "Logan you have a dog!" I yell. He comes over and opens the door to reveal an adorable Pomeranian "OH MY WHATS HIS NAME" I yell running over to the dog "Ahem Young Dogie King Kong The Savage Pom" Logan says. "His name is Kong" Lydia says and I laugh.

DANG surprises were everywhere!

Okay I coped with not having my best friend anymore,Logan,if he really wanted to block me but didn't have a reason to so he just did it. fine. Clearly can't trust him. I truly trusted him. It takes a bunch for me to trust someone. Now I trust no one. I'm and Aquarius after all XD okay bya. 

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