Hey guys this is my new book with some of my followers and shout out to Pyrogirl for being my first follower so ^_^ chaos and btw I have shadow and fire powers and I'm gonna use a lot of abbreviations so chaos.
Pokemaster: welcome to my new book of chaos based off of pyrogirls' true or dare so It would be right if she wasn't my first guest so say hi to Pyrogirl!!!!!!
Pyrogirl: Hi fire!! *Hi five with fire*
Pokemaster: Sweet!
Both:ouch! *both burn hands*
Pokemaster: Hahaha
Next welcome the young dragoness and her boyfriend Sora and Rafe
Sora and Rafe : Hey *start making out*
Pyrogirl and Pokemaster: O.o
Pokemaster: Anyway, let's also welcome Soren and Silver
Soren: Hi
Silver: I hate you all *looks at Pyrogirl & screams* why is she here?!
Pokemaster: *summons volcano and throws silver in* why are you here because this is my book and I can summon anyone I want speaking of that lets welcome Gold, Ash, June and Grasshead
June: it's May!!!!!!
Grasshead: It's Drew!!!!!!
Ash & Gold: Hi
Pokemaster:That's it for this chappy so Salamence you later ^_^
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