Raw: 1st January

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Current Champions:
Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar
Intercontiental Championship: Roman Reigns
Raw Womens Championship: Alexa Bliss
Raw Tag Team Championship: The Bar
Matches: Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe: Intercontinental title, no DQ match. Finn Bàlor vs John Cena. Brock Lesnar talks about Royal Rumble. Braun Strowman vs Curt Hawkins, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas. Dolph Ziggler vs Jason Jordan. Bayley vs Alicia Fox vs Asuka.

Brock Lesnar talks about Royal Rumble:
Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar come out, Lesnar proudly wearing the title he has held for almost one whole year. Heyman talks about how the Royal Rumble triple threat is putting more eyes on Braun and Kane as opposed to his client, Brock Lesnar. Heyman then claims that either man alone would fail to defeat Brock, so they have to be placed into a triple threat match, where Brock may not even be pinned and he would lose the title. Kane comes out, he states how Brock Lesnar couldn't beat him alone, and so Braun is there as a buffer. Heyman then declares Kane should put up or shut up, tonight, Brock Lesnar vs Kane as the main event match of the night. Kane agrees and Brock and Paul go to leave the ring, but Kane grabs Heyman and delivers a chokeslam to Paul Heyman, making his statement known.

Braun Strowman vs Curt Hawkins, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas.
Braun looks ready to raise some hell and destroy all three of his opponents. Curt Hawkins is still reeling from his insanely long losing streak, and the Miztorauge are scared of facing Braun Strowman. Braun is throwing all three of them around, Curt Hawkins now can't get tagged into, so when Axel and Dallas are teaming to take on Strowman, Hawkins takes out one of them. Strowman deals a powerful running powerslam to Axel and gets the win. Braun then hits both Axel and Dallas with Powerslams, then Hawkins grabs a microphone and challenges one of the Miztourage to a match next week.

Curt Hawkins is then interviewed. He will beat his losing streak as he now has a manager. This manager is a secret, but he keeps hinting at a few wrestlers like Mick Foley, Stone Cold Steve Austin and even The Rock. Hawkins walks off only to be attacked by Axel and Dallas, they declare that neither of them are facing him, and to stop calling them the Miztourage, as the Miz has left Raw.

Bayley vs Alicia Fox vs Asuka.
The match starts and both Alicia and Bayley take out Asuka straight away. Alicia Fox starts to attack Bayley and weaken her, before hitting a flying dropkick. Asuka comes back in and unleashes her fury destroying Alicia Fox, then Bayley and Asuka take out Alicia Fox. Asuka goes for the Asuka Lock, but Alicia Fox stops the hold. Asuka then rolls Bayley out of the ring and then Alicia and Asuka brawl for a while, Alicia Fox, by some miracle has taken Asuka out of the ring, she taunts and then is confronted by Bayley, who hits the Bayley-To-Belly suplex and pins Alicia Fox.

Bayley goes to leave but is then confronted by Alexa Bliss. She explains how Bayley, despite winning one of the matches as the underdog, she could never beat her. Alexa then challenges Bayley to a women's title match next week and it would be a time to show Bayley up. Bayley accepts, but Nia Jax attacks her, luckily Asuka and Sasha Banks help out by taking out Nia Jax.

Finn Bálor vs John Cena
Finn Bálor wants to make a name for himself before the royal rumble. John Cena is also entering the Royal Rumble, and so Bálor wanted to face Cena as a message to the locker room and defeat John Cena. Bálor comes out and the crowd go mental, once he hits the ring, the crowd chant, 'Bálor's over!' Repeatedly. John Cena comes out and there is mixed reactions of boos and cheers. The match starts and Bálor goes for the kill, never allowing Cena to catch his breath (pardon the pun.) Bálor goes for the shotgun dropkick, but he doesn't for the coup de grace, instead he hits more shotgun dropkicks, then hits multiple sling-blades. John Cena hits his comeback, but he messes up and gets hit with yet another Shotgun Dropkick. Bálor hits a 1916 and gets the surprising win, seeing as Cena was crushed in that match.

Cena is interviewed and it seems that Cena is potentially embracing his authority side, saying what happened wasn't best for business and hinting it was an un-scripted moment. Bàlor talks about fighting against authority and getting over, completely going off-script and showing that it's heartfelt. John goes to try and confront Bàlor, but he is confronted by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. John leaves and this moment has fans saying a lot of things and filling them with fuel as to where this will go.

Dolph Ziggler vs Jason Jordan
Dolph is now the new member of Raw and he is here to show the world what he can bring to Raw (excuse the constant puns, again.) Jason Jordan doesn't like the look of Dolph and he wants to end this match quickly. The bell rings and Dolph is showing great skill, locking up and taking down the stronger Jason Jordan. Jordan tries to gain momentum, but Dolph has seen his style before. Dolph goes for the superkick, but Jordan sidesteps and hits Ziggler with a powerful clothesline. Jordan is gaining momentum hitting those turnbuckle slams, but Ziggler hits a zig-zag out of nowhere. He then finishes with a superkick. Dolph celebrates and then grabs the mic. He explains how he wants to make history, he wants gold again, and Kurt Angle hasn't denied him that, he then admits but don't despise his actions, he is a veteran and everything he does is for a greater goal. He leaves the ring and the fans seem happy about the new style of Ziggler.

Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe- no DQ intercontinental championship match.
Roman Reigns is ready as the intercontinental champion, but he is facing the dangerous Samoa Joe. Joe has said he wants to make Reigns tap, and without a rope count, he could easily do that and more. Reigns just wants to be dominant and defend his title in every challenge thrown his way. Reigns comes out, but is ambushed by Samoa Joe, Joe is throwing him into barricades and steel steps, weakening Reigns, then dragging him into the ring, the bell starts the match and Joe is attacking Reigns relentlessly, hitting punches and slams and then bringing him out of  the ring, then hitting him into barricades and using  steel chairs to brutally attack Roman. He starts working on the chest and head of Roman, sticking to his word of making Roman tap, but a quick reversal leads to a samoan drop from Reigns onto the steel steps, weakening Samoa Joe and now it seems that Reigns has gained control. He is now slamming Joe into barricades and he gets a table out. Joe looks like he might fall through the table, but gets his balance and sends Reigns into the ring, Joe goes for an urinagi (I don't know how to spell it,) he hits it, but then Dolph Ziggler comes out, throws a chair to Joe and then hits a devastating Superkick, he slides Reigns over Joe and Reigns picks up the win and defends the title, but Ziggler takes the belt and declares he will see them at the Royal Rumble.

Kurt Angle has words for Ziggler, he says, he wants to give Ziggler a run for the title, bjt he can only do that if Ziggler helps him, by not making him lose faith in Ziggler. Joe comes out and says he wants Ziggler, but Angle says next week he has a huge announcement and it resolve this situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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