Zoie's POV ( Zoiesho ) Hasani was already over helping me with the final setups. (A/n: Outfit below) I was still shook cause I got me some d...nevermind. ANYWAY, I was putting food on the table when someone knocked at the door. I opened it and it was Sika. "Hey daddy Sika!" I yelled and jumped into her arms. Sika screamed and caught me, almost falling in the process. "I'm excited for this se- I mean, sleepover." She said. (A/n: outfit below) I laughed. "Aye, wassup Sika da freaka?" Hasani said. Sika put me down and dapped him up. "Wassup Mr. Action?" Sika said. "Yo, that's my nickname for him!" Jasmine said. Isaiah, Teo and AJ were with her. "Hey niggers." AJ said as she walked in. Isaiah waved and dropped off his bag in the guest room. Aisha dropped it off in my room as did Jasmine. (A/n: outfits below)
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Ayleo's POV I was in the car with Kumo and Taylor. Kumo was driving cause he isn't a reckless driver compared to Tay's ass. (A/n: outfit below) "Why I got a feeling there finna be drama?" Kumo said. "Why you think that?" Taylor asked, looking at him. I wondered the same thing while pulling up to Zoie's highway. I stopped the car and got on, Kumo and Zoie following. Then, I had the same feeling Kumo did. This finna be one hell of a ride tonight.
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