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Hey guys this is more of a filler chapter(:

2 months later

Emmys Pov

Over the past few months me and Harry had gotten really close. Everything was great, me and Louis were still dating, although we acted more like bestfriends not boyfriend and girlfriend. Anna and Niall were still going strong, Liam and Danielle were still together, and Zayn even found a girl named Perrie. Sadly though this was the boys last full day in the states because they had to go back to the UK and tour there. We all decided to have a home cooked dinner and watch a movie together. As we sat down at the table I sighed and looked up at all of my bestfriends. "You know I'm really gonna miss you guys and well I love you guys more than anything." Which was the most honest thing I think I've ever said. We all got closer then I could ever imagine possible. Louis raised his glass of water and said "A toast, to the 7 bestest friends in the whole world!" We all clinked our glasses together and took a sip. "THE SUPER SEVEN!" Anna suddenly cried out. From then on we decided that we would call ourselves the super seven. After the movie we all went to bed, we would have to wake up early to get too the airport where the boys would meet there security. I curled up into a ball and was out like a light. 

The next morning when I woke up I sighed, and pushed myself out of bed. I just can't believe we have to say goodbye. They became such a big part of my life I don't know how I'm gonna go back to my old life and instead of living with Anna, I'll be going back home. I went into Louis room and woke him up by shaking his shoulders lightly. "Noooo" He groaned. "Come on Lou! You gotta get up, you have to go today" Instead of getting up he slipped his head under his pillow and moaned. After shaking him for a full 10 minutes he finally woke up. We got ready and went downstairs to wait for the rest of the boys and Anna. When they were all ready we piled all the luggage into the car and headed to the airport. I leaned my head against the window and nobody said a word, nobody said anything because nobody wanted to say goodbye. We headed into the airport and were suddenly surronded by security. Fans now knew about Niall and Anna but didn't know about me and Louis so we had to be careful on how we said our goodbyes. I hugged Liam first and I felt my lips tremble slightly, next I embraced Niall and my eyes began to blur a little bit. I hugged Zayn and felt water in the brim of my eye, building up, I hugged Louis and lost it. I began to sob into his chest as he rubbed light circles in my back. Lastly I turned to Harry. He was my bestfriend, we were pretty much as close as me and Anna are. I threw myself at him and refused to let go, my tears stained the front of his white v-neck but he didn't seem to care.

Annas Pov

We stood in the middle of the airport, I could already feel the tears flowing as I wrapped my arms around Zayn. Next I hugged Liam as tightly as I could. I looked at Louis. I was close with all the boys, I mean obviously I was REALLY close to Niall and I was really close to Harry too, but me and Louis had a special bond. He was like my older brother, I could trust him with anything, not that I couldn't with the other boys, especially Niall or Harry, but it was one of those things you just can't explain. I pulled him in for the biggest hug I've ever given, shivering at how much I'll miss these crazy boys. "I love you Lou." I mumbled into his shirt, reluctantly I let go, but only to turn to Harry. Harry. The whole reason my life was flipped upside down, and changed, for the better, my long lost cousin. I threw my arms around his neck and cried. He sat there swaying me back and forth in his arms. "I love you Anna, you'll always be my favorite cousin." He said to me, stroking my hair like I was a child, but I didn't mind. "I love you too Haz." After a full two minutes I pulled away and turned my attention to the person I loved the most. Niall. How am I going to say goodbye to him? Like the others I threw my arms around him. I burried my face into the crook of his neck as he twirled my hair inbetween his fingers. I looked up at him, sniffling a bit. We sat there for a minute just gazing into eachothers eyes. Finally he crashed his lips down on too mine. We shared the most passionate kiss we've ever had. We both pulled away. He moved his hand to stroke my cheek. "I love you." He said. "I love you more." I said snuggling further into his arms, never wanting to leave this moment, but I knew that we had too. We shifted so we were both facing all of them, but Niall still had his arm around me. "I guess this is goodbye." Niall said sadly looking from Emmy too me. "No." I said looking at all of them. "Lets not say goodbye. This isn't good by. One day we'll all come together again as the super seven. Its more of a see you later, until we meet up again, we have texting, we can call, we can videochat, even twitter." They all nodded in agreement. A voice on the overhead then said. "Flight 64 too London now boarding." 

"Thats us." Liam said sadly, no one wanting to move. We all new that we wanted to hug again and never let go, but we didn't have time to make our rounds. "Group hug?" Louis asked. We all tackled eachother. "When will we see you again, I mean in person." I said from the middle of the hug. The sad part is no one had a clue. After about 20 seconds we had too pull away and the boys went to board their plane. Emmy and I watched them walk away when Niall ran back and kissed me. He pulled away, "I'll see you later love." I smiled sadly at him. "Call me when you land!" I yelled after him as he scurried away. After they were out of sight Emmy and I dragged ourselves to the car. Who knew they would have such a big impact on our life that as soon as they leave its like we don't know how to function without them. We got in the car and listened to the boys CD "Up All Night." the whole way home.

Sorry for the kinda sorta depressing chapter, but I needed the boys to go back home and I wanted to show how close they all got(: Tell me whatchya think, I always try to respond to comments if I see them(: Loooove youuu all<3

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