Chapter 1: Moving Day

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I was so excited to finally have my freedom, I was almost finished packing my things to move into my new house.

My house is a little apartment near the beach. When I had finally finished packing my parents helped me load the van of my things.

Eventually we arrived after what felt like forever, I could hardly sit still. I will admit I was a little nervous.

After 2 hours everything was in my apartment and my parents had left. I began to unpack.

I have 2 bedrooms a kitchen and a living room.

After a couple of days of none stop unpacking, and a little shopping my apartment was finished.

After a couple of days of none stop unpacking, and a little shopping my apartment was finished

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My bedroom above.

My bedroom above

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Spare bedroom.

Spare bedroom

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My kitchen.

And finally my living area

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And finally my living area.


I woke up to my alarm going off it is 6:30AM. Time to hit the gym.

I slipped out of bed heading straight to my wardrobe where I changed into my workout leggings, sports bra, tanktop and a light waterproof just in case, whilst slipping on my running trainers and grabbing water from the fridge.

I left locking the door behind me and jogging to the gym. I got to the gym and had just put on my earphones and stepped on the treadmill, but when I began to run I noticed this extremely stunning guy staring at me. 'I swear I've seen him before' I thought to myself.

After finishing off at the gym I was running home when I ran straight into the same guy from the gym.

"I'm so sorry" I said as I took out my earphone.

"It's okay" He said smiling at me. His smile is so dreamy.

"Are you sure?" I asked distracted.

"If your really concerned let me take you for coffee, and we can get to know each other maybe." He asked showing that smirk again.

"That sounds fun I'm Amelia by the way" I smiled reaching my hand out to shake his.

"I'm Alex" He said taking my hand and shaking it gently.

"Nice to meet you. Before coffee though I need to change. Can you give me an hour?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course, I need to change as well. Maybe we could exchange numbers?" He smiled handing me his phone.

"Sounds good" I said before handing him my phone and taking his.

We exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes. For a few minutes we walked the same way before he spoke.

"Where do you stay?" He asked.

"Kalakeua avenue just off the beach." I said with my own smile.

"Me too" He smiled walking closer to me.

We smiled at each other and as we walked, we talked until I reached my house when I unlocked my door, and turned around he walked straight across the road into the house in front of mine.

When I got inside I headed straight for the shower. I quickly dried my hair and put on a little makeup. Before going to my wardrobe where I put on ripped high waisted skinny jeans, and a crop top that stops just bellow the chest area. I slipped on a pair of wedged sandals grabbed my phone and purse before leaving the house.

When I got out Alex was already waiting for me.

"Wow" He smiled looking stunned.

"Thanks" I laughed.

"So where do you want to go for coffee?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking, it's nearly lunch time. Do you like shrimp?" He said glancing at his watch.

"Sounds good I love shrimp" I said with a smile.

"Okay, let me drive you." He said pointing to his car.

"Okay." I agreed.

We walked over to his car and he opened the passenger door for me and closed it once I sat down. He walked around the front of his car and got in turning the key before doing up his seat belt.

He got out of his car walking around and helping me out.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"For what?" He said looking genuinely confused.

"For being so sweet even though we just met." I laughed.

"My dad was in the Navy and cop, he brought me up to always be a gentleman, even if it is the first time I meet someone." Alex smiled sadly.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I was just talking about my dad, brings back memories because he died a few years ago." Alex replied returning that gorgeous smile.

"I'm so sorry Alex I didn't mean to." I said awkwardly.

"Hey, it's not your fault you didn't know. I was always told and know deep down the more often I talk about it the easier it will be. Do you want to get a table and I'll get the food." Alex smiled.

"Sounds good can I get something spicy and a coconut water please?" I asked before going to grab a seat.

When Alex was getting the food he looked pretty happy and him plus the shrimp guy Kamekona I'm guessing keeps looking over here. A few minutes later Alex walked over here carrying a tray containing two plates and bottles of coconut water.

"Thank you." I said as he placed my lunch in front of me.

"Your welcome. Tell me about yourself?"Alex asked.

"Okay well, I've lived here in Hawaii my whole life. I'm 19 years old and I just moved into my own apartment. I start Uni in September. What about you?" I said as I took a bite of my shrimp.

"Well, I have also lived here my entire life, I'm almost 19 and I've had my own place for a while now and I also start Uni in september." Alex smiled.

We sat quietly eating for a few minutes when out of no where Alex starts speaking.

"I know this will sound odd because we've just met but I can't stop thinking about you, Do you think we could go out again some time?" Alex said shyly.

"I'd like that a lot Alex." I smiled.

Alex kept looking at the table awkwardly.

I gently lifted his chin.

"Hey I mean it I like you too you don't have to be shy." I smiled.

He took me home after food and he told me he'd call soon to set up that next date? Can I call it that? Was it a date? Are we just friends?

I had all these questions going through my head and not an answer to go with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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