'Sparks Fly'

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Sparks flung off the lighter as David flicked it on, lighting the paper in his hand. The campers sat around the fire, chatting as David sat the paper in the center of the wood and it slowly began to flame up. Preston yelled excitedly about how he wanted to try again to create another alternate version of Romeo and Juliet, but this time it would be Romeo, Juliet, and Benvolio!! A steamy love triangle! Nerris and Harrison exchanged amused looks, giggling at Preston quietly. Dolf waddled up to Arid and handed her her skateboard. It was painted with all different cool designs she'd asked for. Dinosaurs, fire, skulls, sharks.

"Sweeeeet. Thanks lil dude." She ruffled his fuzzy brown hair and Dolf smiled proundly, happy she liked it.

Nurf was sharpening his pocket knife on a rock, silently. Spacekid sat on the ground in front of a log, silent as well as he fiddled sadly with his rocket. He looked lonely and upset.

Max, Nikki and Neil walked toward the fire. Nikki and Max talked and split apart from Neil as Neil stopped to look at Spacekid. He felt guilt overcome him. He'd been a bit harsh on the kid earlier, he thought. He walked over to him and sat on the log behind him. Spacekid looked up, a confused expression on his face.

"Neil? Uh, hey there!" He gave a nervous smile. Neil didn't reply, just looking off to the side at the fire. Spacekid sighed and started to crawl away. Neil perked up.

"Shit, don't go man! I- I'm sorry. For being harsh earlier. Thank you for appologizing. It was just food, it's no big deal." Neil saying this made Spacekid look happier. He smiled and scooted back to him.

"Oh, phew! I was worried I'd really screwed up this time! I'll do my best to be more chill next time, man!"

"Did someone say B E M O R E C H I LL ? ! " Preston turned to look around quickly. "THAT'S ONE OF MY FAVORITE MUSICALS!!!!!!" He grinned. Harrison rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Isn't every musical your 'favorite' musical, Pres??" He laughed. Preston scoffed.

"Well- no - I - SHUT UP!" He gave a grumpy face and crossed his arms. Harrison chuckled.

"Chill, my dude! It's cool! Music is pretty fun, I can't blame you for liking entire shows about it! Just like how I adore all magic! Well, all REAL magic!~" He smirked at Nerris who immediately looked alarmed. "Oh, are we gonna have THIS ARGUMENT AGAIN, HARRISON?!" She bared her braced teeth. Harrison just laughed and put an arm around the two of them, pulling them into a 3 person hug with him in the middle.

"I love you, my dudes!~"

After around twenty minutes, it got dark. The campers and David and Gwen stayed up, talking by the fire. There was no specific lights out time on Friday nights because Saturday was the kid's day off. David passed around Marshmallows, grahm crackers, and chocolate for s'mores. Each kid took some of the treats and cooked their marshmallows over the fire. Though, Nurf was watched closely so he wouldn't set fire to any other campers. Neil and Spacekid actually talked a bit about space. Neil told Spacekid about the composition of stars in great detail. Spacekid looked quite interested, smiling. He was excited to learn more about space!

After about another hour or two, David put the fire out. Him and Gwen were ready to go (Watch Bob Ross paint trees) to bed, and they didn't think it was a good idea to leave kids alone with fire. David looked over to see Neil and Spacekid chatting. He was glad they had made up. He did not like it when any of the campers fought!

"Alright kids! Go over to hang out at your tents now! It's safer there and within view of me and Gwen's cabins in case you kids get into trouble!" All the kids groaned then stood and walked to the area of the tents. Nerris chased after Harrison with her fake sword, both laughing. Preston ran after them.

"Wait up! My-My noodle legs are so weak!!" He yelled.

Max went into his tent and started himself and Neil some coffee. Neil was still chatting with Spacekid. He was a lot smarter than Neil expected. He thought he was just obsessed with the idea of space, but he really did know a lot about space itself. He didn't, however, know about the different constellations.

"Hold up, I'll grab my astronomy book. Wait here!" Neil waved to Spacekid and walked into his tent. Max sat on his bed, sipping his cup off black, sugarless coffee.

"Done talking nerd love to your little boyfriend yet, Neil? 'Cause I made coffee." Max took another sip from his 'NOPE' mug. Neil hissed.

"Excuse me?? What the FUCK did you just say, Max?!" His pale skin flushed a bright pink.

"Yeah, saw you makin' googoo eyes at Spacekid at the fire. Fucking weirdo."


"Jesus Christ, chill. No need to get so defensive. It just proves my point more." Max shrugged as he took another sip. Neil crossed his arms.

"I DON'T fucking like him. He's annoying and dumb. I'm just getting my astronomy book so I can show him the constellations. So, get out of my business and quit being a jerk, Max." Neil grabbed his book and walked out, a light hue of pink still showing on his face. Him and Spacekid? Ew. That's just gross. Though, he was...pretty cute....Neil shook his head, grumbling. No. No way. Stop it. Stop these dumb thoughts.

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