Chapter Twelve: Morning Star

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Skylar had stepped into the room hearing Jace and Clary speaking, she leaned against the door way and listened in to every word that was said. She inhaled deeply and cleared her throat. "You and Clary may not be the same. But we are, I know what you went through with that man whether or not we saw one another when children or not." She said, capturing Jace's attention. He closed the small box that Clary had given him, standing up and cleared his throat.

"None of us are alike, alright? Nothing will change that, our father raised you and I differently. Skylnn, we are nothing alike. From my point of you view, you're the angel and I am the monster who is weirdly attracted to his own sister." Jace said standing up, Clary placed the box on the bed and stood up...shaking her head. She hated this, but she knew that she needed to handle it. She didn't know how badly this was messing with her older siblings...and she worried that this may lead them to acting out.

"Look we are so close to saving mom, maybe she can help us with this?" Clary suggested, Skylar scoffed and shook her head.

"And what are we suppose to tell mom? 'Hey, now that you're back...I thought that I liked my very own brother also father is alive and he's been going crazy with his plan. Anyways I need your advice, because I can't handle my sexual attraction towards my very hot brother.' Is that what I should tell her, Clary? So she can look at us with a disgusted look? I rather not, plus I doubt she could really do anything about this." Skylar said, the gem in her necklace had slowly started to turn black which Clary had noticed but didn't say anything about it, she was worried that something much deeper was growing through her head...and her heart was aching. Skylar turned around on her heels, she was still wearing the dress Magnus had given her for the wedding since she didn't have the time to change.

"Where are you going?" Clary asked, crossing her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow.

"Away, for a while. I need to get away from everything......"


That was exactly what she did, stay away from everything since all she was doing was panicking. Magnus had allowed her to stay at his apartment while he and the others hurried to find this cook book. She had changed into her normal clothes, no idea what was truly going on with anyone. She was doing her own research of her own, the angel's mission was something she was paying more and more attention to. Every now and then she could feel the Mortal Cup calling to her, no not in a weir demonic way but to her angelic blood as if it wanted for her to find it. She didn't like the feeling, she stopped walking around and placed her hands on her hips. "I can't breath, Seraphina...something's wrong isn't it?" She asked, but there was nothing....silence. She shook her head, taking her blade and leaving her old room. She pulled out her phone, seeing all the messages Isabelle sent her about where they currently were.

Getting to the bottom of what was going on, was a short trip for her. Why? She created a rune, a portal that led her nearby..since the place seem familiar not the Camille's loft itself. She had walked inside, the sound of her combat boots echoing through the halls. When she walked towards Clary who jumped and pulled out her blade quickly. "What are you doing here?" Clary asked with a raised eyebrow, slowly putting her blade away and letting out a sigh. She had panicked worried about if Valentine was here and they would have to fight them off.

"Checking in, Magnus told me where you all were." Skylar said, putting her blade away and glancing around taking this all in. "You found the book yet?"

"Didn't think you cared about mom...."

"Of course I care! I just don't need to be judged, Clary. I'm judge enough by the Clave for being experimented on and the daughter of Valentine." Skye said honestly, looking at all the books before her phone started to ring. She answered it and gulped. "Jace? What do you want?"

"Where are you?" Jace had gotten straight to the first thing he needed to know, he spoken to Hodge and possibly...cut off his hand. But that wasn't what mattered now, there was more.

"At Camille's apartment, Upper East Side. Alucard building, 13th floor."

"You're in danger. Valentine's probably already on the way. You need to leave, now."

"No way, we are looking for the Book of the White. I'm not leaving without it."

"Skylar, you need to leave!" The sound of worry and panic, that was the tone he was using and the one..that made her heart break all over again by how all of this. "You need to leave now."

"I can't, I can't give up on my mother...Jace. She needs me." Was the last thing that Skylar said before she hung up on him and placed her phone in the back pocket and helped the redhead find the book that they needed at the moment. It took a few minutes before Clary found the book, Skye and Simon had hurried over.

"This better be...the book. Or else we are back to square one." Simon said, standing on the other side of Clary as he watched her reunite the bookmark. "Yeah...this is the book."

"No shit." Skylar mumbled under her breath watching the spell book slowly reveal itself.

"We gotta go he's here." Isabelle said stepping into view, Clary quickly closed the book and looked at Simon with a smile spreading on her lips. Skylar walked over to Isabelle who smiled faintly at her and placed an arm on her. "You all right?"

"Doesn't matter..." Skye said quietly before she followed her into a while other room and of course. A portal had opened with Valentine stepping out asking for Jace. Simon had moved forward to attack and had ended up being pushed. Isabelle used her whip to stop him from hurting the vampire and had failed in doing so. Skye and Clary pulled out their blades, ready for anything.

"Stop! Don't hurt them!" Jace had ran inside, with his own blade out and glaring directly at the man who had caused all of this chaos.

"Finally ready to kill your own father?" Valentine asked with a grin on his lips, slowly watching his son move towards him.

"You abandoned me."

"I was protecting you. You weren't ready then, but you've grown. You've become the warrior I've trained you to be."

"You trained me well."

"And yet, I still have so much to teach you. I brought you here for a reason. Look, fight me, and watch your friends die." Valentine said, right on time Alec and Magnus were brought in but were being held by some of Valentine's men and so were the others tightly specifically Skylar since they were well aware of how capable of fighting they were.

"See, you are strong, but they make you weak." he said, walking to the blonde and grabbed her chin. "Oh Skylnn, your powerful you could be. You can be dangerous and deadly but chose to follow your heart..."

"Let us go. You can have the book. We won't be able to stop you without it." Clary blurted out, she hated seeing this man so close to both of the made her worry since they couldn't do much right at the moment.

"Ah, Clarissa. So like your mother. Willing to do anything for those that you love. I'm touched, but the book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you'll both join me eventually. It's fated." Valentine said when he stepped back from the blonde and looked directly at his son. "You ready?" He asked, Jace slowly lowered his blade and sighed.

"If I go with you promise me you won't hurt them." Jace said walking over to him, Valentine nodded slowly and glanced at the others who clearly didn't like this.

"You have my word."

"This is insane, Jace you can't do this. Don't do it.." Skylar said shaking her head slowly, he stared her and inhaled deeply noticing her eyes well up with tears....this hurt more than having him around..having him leave would be worse. Right? She wouldn't know if he was alright or doing well..those were all the thoughts through her mind. Jace mouthed the words....'I'm sorry' as Valentine's men began to leave and he slowly followed his father close behind. Jace told the others to get back, Skylar's eyes widened when he continued to walk. "Jace!" She shouted quickly moving forward to stop him, but Isabelle and Alec were the first to quickly stopping her from doing something that she may regret.

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