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[Cringe level: high]
As Sehun connected their lips, both of them just stayed still, until Xiumin softly pushed him away, "Sehun-ah, it-it's not the right moment for----" "Sorry-" Sehun humbled and stopped as the both of them went out of the sea.

After a few more minutes Xiumin started stalking, more to himself than  to Sehun,, "God damn, we've been here for several days now and nothing happened" - he turned a bit louder - "nothing changed, we didn't find a single sign of the others or even their presence I-"

"Xiumin-ah you..." Sehun said slowly. "Xiumin it's not our fault, we can't do anything about it. We can't "force" destiny to let something happen, we just need to keep searching I guess. I mean-"

"Kepp searching? Dang it Hunie, you know I love you, but do you ever listen to yourself talking? We have no dang single clue how big this whole island (or whatever this kind of area may be called) is! We haven't seen the others for days, we have no clue where they are, if they are together or also separated or if they are even still...well. Xiumin turned calm at the last part of the sentence.

"Maybe...We should separate aswell so the change would get higher to find someone? Sehun quickly replied. "Hell no!" Xiumin shouted. "I ...or we have already lost everyone...Sehun we only have each other now and...if I'd also lose you I couldn't forgive myself. I would have nothing left, I'd be completely alone all left to myself. Please don't let this happen.

"Hyung..it's okay, if you don't want it I'm not gonna go, I'm going nowhere without you. I'll promise. "Thank you". "But..." "But what?"

"But I can't help it, I'm nothing but worried about them. They are my friends. My brothers. A part of our 'family'. Don't you think the same? Sehun-ah..." "I do but you know it's all so difficult. So unusual and confusing. "I-I don't know how to react at all!"

Xiumin quickly turned pulling Sehun into a surprisin yet tight hug. "Shh don't say anything, we're gonna make it through all of this, right? Please tell me you believe the same.

"Yes, of course, I do. Thanks for still keeping me all company even in hard times like this"

At this night they felt a unknown presence over them.

Another filler chapter (=_=) hopefully I'll put more story in the next chapter

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