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I laughed as I chugged down yet another shot of whatever it was I was drinking. I was fully aware of my drunken state but I didn't care. This was my first senior party I've been invited to in the two weeks I've been here, and I wasn't about to stay sober while everyone was doing the exact opposite.

I was playing spin the bottle with a bunch of students I met. Apparently, one of the guys, Mason I think his name was, wrote his own spin the bottle cards. It was an innocent game so what could I possibly lose right?

When I finally refocused my attention to the game, I realised that it was Jayden's turn. Jayden was the 'typical bad boy', or so he told me. Anyone who spoke to him for the first time would think he's a sweet, innocent college freshmen. That was me the first time I met him.

However behind the cuteness, was a motorbike riding, leather jacket wearing bad boy. He wasn't a player like most of the boys I've met, but a genuine bad boy. He always broke the rules and pulled the most embarrassing pranks imaginable. The more he hates someone, the bigger the prank will be.

"Come on Jay, don't tell me you're backing out of this. Its only one small handstand," I could see Mason was getting annoyed.

"Yeah, I have to hold a handstand for ten seconds! I mean, is that even possible?"

"You've done worse Jay, like doing my chores for a month," Alice said a-matter-of-factly.

"What are you talking about? I have never done your stupid chores and I never will." Jay said angrily.

"Oh, we forgot to mention that did we, well it doesn't really matter but just don't forget that if you fail, you'll be doing my chores for the next month," Alice added excitedly.

Alice was Jayden's fraternal twin. They didn't look at all alike, other than their general features.

"But it doesn't say that on the card."

"Well, it does now." She smirked, looking over at Mason who had an apology written all over his face.

"Mason!" Jay looked at Mason accusingly.

"Don't look at me like that mate, your sister's a feisty one. Wouldn't want to get on her bad side."

"Rose say something! Tell them that it's unfair!" He whined.

What was the matter with him? I started laughing anyways. I've never seen this side of Jay before.

"Don't mind him, Roe, drunk Jay's a baby when it comes to doing chores." She furrowed her eyebrows, "Actually, to come to think of it, Jay's always a baby when it comes to chores."

I smiled. "Well don't let sober Jay hear you say that. He might have another breakdown in public and ruin his bad boy rep," everyone laughed.

"Come on man, just do the handstand and get it over with." Nathaniel clapped his hand over Jays back.

Nathaniel's Jay's, 'partner in crime'. They always planned and did their pranks together. If one of them got caught, the other one would have their back. They were inseparable.

"Fine! Fine, I'll do it. Happy?"

"Yes, yes we are." Alice's face lit up like a light bulb. Well, it probably didn't but that's what it looked like.

"Ok, Nath, count me in," Jay said nervously, doing hand stretches.


He gulped and took a step back.


He took another swing of vodka. I don't think that was very wise...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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