♭ One ♭

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"Five...four....three....two....one." The school bell suddenly interrupted my math teacher who was in the middle of giving the class a lecture on cheating, it's not our fault half of the class fails even when we study all night. Everyone quickly got out of their seats and quickly packed their things before rushing out of the classroom before the teacher could protest. Seventh period, the last period of the day, finally rolled around. The hallways were filled with students either heading to their next class or their lockers. Me, on the other hand, was making my way to the teacher's lounge. I made sure no teachers were around before quickly walking inside and sighed in relief when I saw no teachers inside. I made my way to the vending machine that was at the end of the room. I swung my bag off of my shoulders and began looking through it in search of a dollar. Unfortunately for me, all I could find was a 10 dollar bill, I stood up and sighed, "And this is where we must split ways, Alexander Hamilton." I said before inserting the money into the machine.

Not too long ago, I found out about this amazing and wonderful musical called Hamilton which my friend convinced me to listen to. After listening to the whole thing and me falling in love with it, my friend and I pledged to not spend a 10 dollar bill unless it's necessary, of course, this was a joke but I took it seriously. Back to the story, I quickly punched in the code 'B12' and I saw the beloved (Favorite candy) fall down, and my change of nine dollars came out which I quickly grabbed along with my snack. When I turned around, I was face to face with my history teacher. "M-Mr. Brown!" I exclaimed nervously. He sighed, "Y/n, what have I said about sneaking into the teacher's lounge to get snacks?" I looked at the ground, "To not do it anymore," I mumbled, "But I just got hungry...again." Mr. Brown walked over to the soda machine and got himself a Dr. Peper. He turned back to me, "Don't let it happen again, now come on, we need to head to my class." He said as he leads me out of the teacher's longe.

Mr. Brown was my favorite teacher from the whole school, he was nice and laid back and also taught my favorite subject, history! Almost the whole school enjoys his class since we mostly take notes that aren't long, he doesn't give out tests, and he will watch a movie with us once a month. But anyways, I got to the classroom and quickly walked to my seat. And while the class was being loud and chattering, I opened the bag/box of f/c and secretly began eating it. About a minute or so later, the bell rings and everyone quiets down. "Good afternoon class," Mr. Brown begins as he stands in front of the class, "today we will be discussing the project we will be having." Immediately the whole class groans in annoyance. "But don't worry! This will be a fun project, you will be making a short power point and then present it to the class and whoever does the best job I will give them a reward!" Some of the students begin to mummer before Mr. Brown quiets them. "Now everyone knows that we have been learning about how America was started, so for your power points you will choose one person that was involved in helping America become what it is today. This can include someone important who fought in a war or someone who even gave ideas to what we should do with America." And after Mr. Brown said that, I instantly knew who I was going to do. The first person who came to my mind was Hercules Mulligan. He was one of my favorite characters in Hamilton and who wouldn't want to talk about a spy who helped win the revolutionary war?

Mr.Brown continued to explain what we had to do and handed out a sheet of paper that told us what must be included in our power point. And luckily you had an option of working with a partner or working by yourself, of course, I chose by myself. "This project will be due in two weeks." Were the final words Mr. Brown could get our before the bell rung and everyone rushed out the doors. I quickly walked outside of the school where I met up with my friend Callie. "Hey, Cal!" I greeted her with a smile as I walked up to her. Callie smiled back, "Hey Y/n, ready to walk home?" She asked and I nodded before the two of us began walking. The two of us talked about who we were doing our projects on and what we were going to do for our power point.

The next day was a Saturday and I planned on going to the library. Everything was normal as I walked to the library and even when I entered the library. I greeted the librarian and popped in my earbuds and put on some Hamilton. The Battle of Yorktown came on as I was searching for a book of Hercules Mulligan. As I was walking down the aisles of books, I finally came across a book about the revolutionary war. I began flipped through the book before I heard footsteps. I looked up to see who it was and just then blacked out.

When I woke up, I was on the streets, I could hear voices and shouts and what sounded to be the hooves of horses. I groaned in pain and sat up and was washed over with a pain in my whole body. I looked around, this didn't look like any place I had ever seen. I stood up and took notice that I was in an alleyway. I began making my way to the end of it and ended up on the sidewalk. I saw a tall my with a thick mustache and unusual clothes walk past me, "Good evening sir." The man mumbled as he walked past me. "Sir?" I mumbled to myself. I looked down and to my surprise, I was wearing the outfits I saw the cast of Hamilton wear. I was internally freaking out at this point. I saw a lady in a really big dress begin to walk by. "Excuse me, ma'ma, what year is it?" I asked. The lady looked at me with confusion written on her face, "Why it's 1776." She said before walking away. I stood still on the sidewalk, astonished. "I'm a time traveler!"

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