♭ Three ♭

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After a very long night with the four men rambling on about the war and alcohol Hercules had begged me to stay over at his house since I had nowhere to stay. After a while of him begging, I finally gave in and said yes. Turns out that he and Alexander stay there together so the three of us headed off. Once we arrived, Hercules and Alexander had set up and nice place for me to sleep on the couch. It wasn't quite comfortable, but it was better than sleeping on the cold streets. When morning came, Hercules had whipped us up some breakfast and the three of us sat at the dining table as we ate. "So G/n where are you from?" Alexander asked as we ate. I felt my heart sink as I quickly thought of a place where I could have been from. "L-London!" I blurted out. Hercules and Alexander looked at each other for a second before continuing to eat. I relaxed a bit, "You know, you sound quite feminine for a man." Hercules said after a few moments of silence. "O-oh, well my voice never really matured," I said nervously, I never thought about changing my voice up prior to this.

After we finished breakfast, Hercules took me to the store him and his family owned. Afterwards, we walked around town and asked Hercules many questions that I could use for my project when I went back home...that is if I went back home. "G/n, have you been interested in joining the war?" Hercules asked in between me thinking of a question to ask him. I shook my head slowly. Hercules grinned widely, "You should! me, Alex, John, and Lafayette have already joined, you should too!" I could feel my hands start to get a bit sweaty, I wasn't sure if it was from me being nervous about this conversation or from the outfit I was wearing which was quite stuffy and hot. "W-well I'll have to think about that..." I replied.

That night I lied in on the couch trying to get sleep but only thought about Hercules' question about joining the war. I'll admit, it does sound fun and adventurous but the fear of being killed and never returning home made me stop thinking about the adventures I would have. Eventually, I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning on the same couch I had slept o for two nights in a row. Hercules had once again whipped up some breakfast and the three of us ate together. "G/n, Hercules told me you were thinking about joining the war for independence," Alexander said. I looked at Hercules who didn't notice I was giving him a glare. "Well, I'm not really sure if I will..." I replied before Alexander quickly spoke after, "But you really should! You could help win a war that would form a new nation! And who knows, maybe you'll become famous for it!" He said. These two really wanted me to join and it was hard to say no to them. I sighed, "Fine, I'll do it-" Suddenly Alex and Hercules both jumped up and started cheering.


About a month had passed since I agreed I would join the war and I still had not returned home. Today was the day where we were going to a camp and get settled at. I was assigned to a tent with a soldier I didn't know. He was quiet but nice. He told me he was fighting in the war because he had a newborn son back home who he didn't want for him to deal with all the awful things that the British did to the colonies. George Washington gave a speech which Alexander and I were both fascinated about. The whole day was just us getting situated and getting used to the camp. I'll admit, it wasn't that bad and I would probably enjoy myself!

but boy was I wrong.


Sorry, I haven't been writing much, my teachers just love giving me homework every night. Anyways thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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