Meeting of the Clans

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A cave opening lite only by the light of torches upon the wall. The ceiling was high and vaulted, at least six times my own height. A large oval table sat in the middle of the cave floor. All around the room stood the thirteen clan leaders. Among the many members in attendance were Jurina, leader of Backlesh clan, Vensor, leader of the Jeshna clan, Leanna, leader of the Jzensal clan, and Pralden, of the Deacloran clan. Accompanying me was my traveling companion, good friend, and most tallented pupil, Dayona. Though she was very young, in comparison with my own age, her skill with a blade was nearly unmatched. Her temper, on the other hand, was nearly uncontrolable, and would eventually be her downfall.

This meeting, however, was different. This time there was a woman, appearing no older than twenty years in age, garbed in snow white silk and lace. The very air around her shimmered with a pale light, only noticable enough to be seen by those with enhanced vision. Her build was tall and slinder, appearing as the perfect woman.

"Now that we are all here, we may be seated." said the woman. "All right, Toran, tell us why you have called this meeting."

Her voice was one that I had heard several times as a youngling in my father's palace. She was the Goddess, the one who protected the Hellren race with her powers. Unfortunately, ever since my uncle took power, she has been forbidden to return to her cave on pain of death. Just as these meetings are forbidden, and so we have them in secrecy.

"I have brought you all here to tell you of how I plan to overthrow and kill my uncle." I said to the group. Sounds of annoyance and frustration were uttered from all of the clan leaders.

"Toran," said Vensor, "We have already covered this subject several times, and the few times we have attempted to overthrow Severon we have failed."

"You must lay this petty hunger for vengence aside, and focus on the things at hand. The Brigdon Eclipse is almost upon us, and you have yet to choose a successor to take your place after you take your place as a clan leader." said the Goddess.

"My anger towards my uncle is not, as you say, a petty hunger for vengence. It is a blood lust that boils in the very veins of my body. At least hear what I have to say, and if you all disagree with my plans then I shall drop the subject and we shall never speek on it again. How does that sound?" I asked.

Once they had all come to an agreement I began to tell them how my plot would unfold. As I carried on, I saw their faces turn from an expression of disinterest to one of curiosity and attentiveness.  They were surprised to see how much thought had gone into this plan. Even the Goddess was impressed.

".... If we can get into the palace, then Dayona and I shall take care of Severon's assassin guards. However, a seperate team will be sent through the palace to seek out and kill the Queen. Her magic is very powerful, but there is only one flaw. She does not use her own magic to protect herself. If she is left alive then we have no hope of getting through her enchantments to kill the emperor." I went on to explain.

"I am impressed, Toran. I do believe than this plan may just work." said Pralden. An experienced war veteran himself, there was only one scar that he let show on his large, well toned frame. Across his eye was a long thin scar that ran from his hairline to his chin. "Your father would be proud." he said.

"So, I take it we are all in accord with Toran's plans?" asked the Goddess. All the leaders shook their heads in agreement.

"And so this may yet be the last war that shall go into our records." said Leanna. Her voice was small and quiet for her age was well beyond most of the other leaders in the room.

"As so it should have been many years ago." said Dayona from behind me. "Forgive me for intruding, but this conflict has been going on for much too long. It is time the Emperor learned his place in this world, which is ten feet under ground in his grave."

"Calm yourself, Dayona. There is no need to ask for forgiveness of any sort because you are right to say so. You have as much right to speak here as any of us." Said the Goddess. "Here and now let it be heard. Let the word spread to all the clans so that their spirits may be lifted. This war shall end."

"Then it shall be, Goddess." came a voice from a dark corner. Blades were drawn in response as we waited for the intruder to show himself.

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