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Hi, I'm Pacifica Elise Northwest. I live in Gravity Falls Oregon. I'm 12, almost 13. I usually live in my parents van and we travel around, but for the summer, we will be staying put.My great aunt left me and my parents a house in the woods when she died. Mom says we will be spending the summer there and running the shop until my Uncle comes down in September, then we can get on the road again.Today I went exploring again, but I heard the noise! Every time I go into the woods, I hear a weird noise, almost like a cartoon noise, like Shrooopppppp but it gets quieter, sometimes louder, and it only happens every once in awhile. At first, I was afraid, but today, I set out to find the source. I followed the noise to this hill and I fell down it. When I looked up, there were crystals, loads of them, most tiny, but one big crystal in the middle, it had blue like shining on one side, purple on the other, and when a fly flew into it, it became giant. Once it flew away, I reached over and grabbed a small crystal from the pile, it was gorgeous. I was heading home with it, and as I was walking through the  woods, I tripped. I fell forward and grabbed a tree to pull myself up, but it sounded hollow. I tapped it, and I knew for sure. I was putting my hand all over trying to open it, when it flung open. There were several switches, so I flipped them curiously, until the ground opened to the side of me. In it was a journal, it was deep red with a golden six fingered hand on top with a 3 written on it. I was amazed with what it had in its pages. All these weird creatures, undead, gnomes, talking squash, pixies, unicorns, it all made sense now. I stuffed it in my cardigan and ran home. My dad had always been super stitious,he couldn't know.And mom was too honest, she would tell him, I would have to keep it hidden. I ran inside the shack and up the stairs, I ran into the attic, slammed the door behind me, and took a deep breath. I looked over to my wall. It had shelves covering it. The shelves had strange things I collected,like a torn piece of red clothe than was very intact, and seemed to be the tip of something. A giant tooth so sharp it might as well be a sword. I put my crystal with the collection. I looked through the journal, that strange piece of pointed clothe, seemed to be part of the gnomes hat shown in the drawing.The picture of the 6 bear prints all coming from the same bear, seemed to be the tracks of the multi-bear. The crystal I found was in there too. Everything was lining up. Then, there was a knock on my door. I hid the journal behind my back."Honey? Can I come in?" My door pushed open to reveal my mom. " We forgot to tell you, your cousin Gideon Northwest is coming next week. I know you aren't found of his parents, especially Bud, but they won't be coming." I sighed in relief. "-and I know we aren't directly related,  so it's confusing, but I want you to make him feel welcome, okay?" She looked at me a little doubtfully. "Oh yeah sure." "He will be getting half of your room." "What??" "I know, but we will get a curtain installed and everything, just move your dresser and one of two pictures and then you're fine." Ugh. She closed the door. Summer  just got more complicated.

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