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Chapter 1

As I walk up to platform 9 3/4 I feel nervous. Nervous about Hogwarts. What will it be like? Are the teachers mean? What will it be like with out my parents? To tell you the truth, I don't know. And I will never know until I get there. "hey it's Nadia!" my best friend Albus yells. I run up to him and hug him. "Hey Al" me and Albus have known each other since we were babies. In fact our parents were really great friends at Hogwarts and they still are. We practically see each other everyday. "All aboard" yells the conductor. I rush up to my parents and hug them good bye " I love you guys and I will miss you" "be good Nadia we love you to" I jump on my dad "I will miss you so much dad" he puts me down "don't do anything a eleven year old shouldn't" he winks. I find Albus and we board the train. "this looks empty" he whispers in my ear making my blush. I've developed a crush on Albus during the past few years. "so are you going to trail for the quitittch team?" asked Albus "I thought that you couldn't. Don't you have to be year 2 and up??" he laughed "my dad was selected he had "tallent"" he joked I laughed . "anything from the trolley" and elderly women with grey curly hair ask her trolley was loaded with sweets " um I'll get $65 worth please" "What?!!! Theres no way I'm letting you pay that much for lollies are you insane???!!!!" he chuckled as if he was planning this "just ignore her" he said to the lady

Chapter 2

As we wait for Professor Weasely to tell us to go into the great hall, us first years wait eagerly to go into the great hall and experience the magic. "hello my name is Mackenzie, Kyle Mackenzie. My father is a billionaire, our mansion is in Checheir. Oh and by the way even though I'm extremely good looking I am. Single" a tall tanned skinny Ladd says. "um get lost snob. We dont need to be informed with your pathetic life" Albus always knows how to make people feel the burn. " you can come in now" says professor Weasely. The great hall is truly a magical sight. "now when I call your name you come forth and I'll put the sorting hat on your head" she explains "Albus Potter" she calls. Albus hugs me then makes his way to the hat. "hmmmm difficult your brave and coragous but where to put you. I had the Same problem with your father hmmm let me think. I know Syltherin" say the sorting hat. The students explode with cheers.  butterflies fill up my stomach as my name is next " Nadia Shadows" I walk up the stairs and sit in the still "hmmm difficult your sporty and smart and sly but where to put you?" I close my eye "please . Slytherin please" "slytherin aye?? Well if you say so. Slytherin!!!!" I happily jump of the stool and find a seat next to Albus. "Louis Tomlinson" an Extremly handsome bloke struts to the stool "slytherin" "Harry Styles" a Ladd with curly black hair sits in the stool "Huffelpuff" wow today has been pretty epic. I wonder if I should write to mum and dad in the morning?

Chapter 3

"WAKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPP NAAAAAAADDIIIIIIIIAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Albus obviously doesn't understand the meaning of sleep ins. " Albus I'm trying to sleep." I moaned "fine sleep then. But by the way class starts in 20mins." oh damn. I woke up got changed into my robes brushed my teeth, combed my hair ,made my bed , washed my face and went down into the common room."arrrrr I can't put the friggin tie on" I growled "haha let me help you there" laughed Albus. "there, all better. Now let's go down to the great hall and get some brekkie." he suggested "sure but I just gotta check something out first" yes it's something I'm gonna check out alright" okidoki see you soon". Now when we were like 8or9 Al had a diary where all his secrets were kept . I need to find it!!!BINGO it under his pillow .damn theres no key hole but I won't open. "Albus Severus Potter is awesome". Wow it actually worked."stuff about school. Favorite foods??" what sort of diary is this!!?!!? I was about to close the book when a bright red page caught my eye."beauty can be found in anything. Weather, nature or People. Today I found beauty in a person. This person goes by the name of Nadia Shadows. Nadia an I have been friends for a long time. Sadly I'm almost cretin that she doesn't like like me. Well dinners ready so I better go." what??!!?? Al has a crush on me?!?!?? I looked at my watch , 15 mins till class. I ran to the great hall and found a spare seat next to Albus. "hey there you are. Here's your brekkie" he presented a delicious looking dish of eggs benidict . My fave!! I hug Albus and held him there, stroking his hair."thankyou Al" I whispered in his ear. We pulled apart so we could eat "Omg it's soooooo good." "I never knew you could cook Al!" he laughed, then turned in my direction and we just looked in each others eye not knowing what to say. I closed my eyes and leaned into Albus , planting a soft warm sweet kiss on those perfect lip of his. He held my head and changed the position of our lips. We continued this for quite sometime. I pulled apart and whispered in his ear "Al I love you to" he kissed me "be my girl Nads we were made for each other" Awww how sweet!! We kissed and kissed not wanting to realize that people were watching "excuses me but this is a dining area not a kissing booth." damn it was professors Snapes ghost" come on we've got all our classes together let's head to potions babe" why was Albus' voice like heaven??

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2012 ⏰

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