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I was running as fast as I could to get to the academy that I was trying to enroll in. After helping a couple of children finding their parents, I needed to run as fast I could so I wasn't late. When I got there I saw there was another person there, but I don't know what her name is. I go to walk in, but one of the security guards stopped me. He said, "You are late which means you can't go in." I looked up at him and said, "You have to let me in.. This is my only chance to keep the promise I made to my mother.. Please let me in sir.." I keep trying to reason with him, but he wouldn't let me through. So I tried to go in again except he grabbed a hold of me and pushed me back. I fell down on to the ground at the same time as the other person fell to the ground.

"ow, ow, ow.." I mumbled to myself not realizing someone had their hand out to me. I look up to see who it was that was going to help me and it was a guy with medium length orange hair and light sky blue eyes. I didn't think there was anyone who had such beautiful eyes that reminded of you a summer days' sky. "Here, let me help you little kitten." He said to me while I was staring at him. I nodded slowly laying my hand in his. He pulled me up to my feet with ease and kept a hold of my hand. I pulled my hand away slowly and bowed to him. "thank you for helping me up." I had said then stood up straight and looked at the security guard.

"Please let me in to take the exam." The girl and I said at the same time. I didn't realize that we had talked at the same exact moment and we had looked at each other our eyes widened. After a little bit we turned back to the security guards and kept pleading for them to let us in. A phone had started to ring and one of the guards had gone to answer the phone. I didn't pay attention to what the other guard was talking about on the phone, but after he was done with the phone call he came back towards us and said to the other guard, "the director said to let them in so they can take the exam." After hearing that my eyes widened and I started to smile.

Now I'll be able to keep my promise to my mother. I bowed down and told the guards thank you. The other girl had done the same thing while I started walking toward the academy. "um, excuse me miss!" I turn and it was the girl with the reddish-orange hair coming up to me. She held her hand out to me and said, "I'm Haruka Nanami. It's nice to meet you." I smile and put my hand in hers and shook it, "I'm Lillia Cordelia Dawn Mizuchi.. You can call me Lillia, Cordelia, or Dawn.. I go by all three names. It's nice to meet you too.." She smiled at me and said, "ok, I'll call you Lillia-san." I smile and nod at her. "come on, we don't want to be more late to the exam." She nodded in agreement and we started running towards the academy. I wonder how my life will be now.

The Start of A New Idol (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now