New Emotion

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I could feel his gaze on me the entire ride to Mcdonalds. When we finally arrived, he seemed taken aback... "Is this what you call safe...?" He stared at me anger boiling over, I could tell... I parked in the parking lot, grabbed my phone from my purse, called the home phone, and Klara had picked up. 

"Hey sis, weren't you supposed to be at work by now??" She was direct and I couldn't help but smile. Instead of using my sick voice, I used my regular voice. "It is all under control... I'm holding up my end of the deal, did you?" I got straight to the point, speaking it was still pouring, cold, and I just wanted to get back home. 

"YES! I want a- uh... um... hmm... I want a plain cheeseburger Happy Meal, a side of fries and a chocolate milk!" Her excitement was present in her voice. "Gotcha'," was my only response. We exchanged goodbyes and I hung up and went through the drive-thru. 

The man had stared at me in disbelief as I ordered for my sister. In fact, he held that same face ever since I arrived at Mcdonalds. I decided to ignore it... 

After I had gotten Klara's food, I quickly drove off and away from Mcdonalds. I sighed. "Why the hell did you go to a fast-food place at a time like this!? And an unhealthy one at that!!" I sighed again... He was bad company but...

His irritation made me grin, just enough for only me to notice, and that was exactly what I wanted. Five more minuted had passed and the car was filled with an unexplainably awkward silence. 

It didn't take much longer to reach home. I reached for my purse, the Happy Meal next to my purse, and got out. I stood in the pouring rain, staring at the man until he realized that I had been waiting for him. He quickly got out and stayed on my heels as I entered my home. 

"nnnnNNNNNYYXX!!" Klara came running down the stairs, my name slowly coming more into hearing distance as she came closer. Klara was about the same height as me, even though she was barefoot and I was wearing stilettos. I felt embarrassed. What made it worse, when we are both barefoot, I am shorter than an eight-year-old girl... 

I handed her the Happy Meal and she took it and pointed in the direction of mother's room. I smiled and patted Klara's soft hair. She ran off, without even noticing the tall man behind me. 

I took off my shoes and made my way to the room in the back of the house. Gas tanks littered the walls. In the center of the room, a Queen-sized bed, mother, smack-dab in the center. She was sound asleep.

I quietly closed the door and moved around the man who was, in fact, still inches behind me. I quickened my pace to my room. When I had reached it, I had slammed the door behind me. Slamming followed. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I quickly changed, the banging not stopping once. Tank-top, sweatshirt and sweatpants were the first things I was able to spot in a short amount of time. 

I opened the door, a pissed, tall man staring back down at me. I smiled and waved. I didn't give him enough time to speak before I yanked him into my small room, and shut the door behind him. 

I sighed before looking up at the man in front of me. "Hello..." Was all I could muster.

The man stayed silent, which made me uncomfortable. "W-What's your name?" I look up at him, not expecting an answer. 




I stared at him in amazement. "What a nice name!" I seemed to have surprised him by my sudden burst of enthusiasm. His eyes softened, realizing that I wasn't trying to pull anything. 

"So, why exactly did you take me to a fast-food restaurant?" That was the first thing he asked me. "You see, I had to go to the bank to restore our credit card. Then that whole bank thing happened. But I promised my sister I would get her a Happy Meal if she made sure our mother went to sleep while I was off." I explained as best I could. 

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