it b wetz

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howdy y'all thought i should actually write smut so here goes nothing...

finn b pullin up to yo house @ 6:09 you know the time. he gots out his new lamborghini and walks up to yo front door and says "wassuh dude" which you reply with "suh dude" he walks into your house and says "yo BITCH ur house is UGLY id rather be at my mansion lol i'm rich" you start crying depression tears and run to your room. finn ruShs over to you and comforts you by saying "sorry but sorry not sorry" which you start feelin better so you ask "let's play the mc you know the craft" which he replies with "fook yes" while playin da craft u start saying "it b wetz" finn got up in confusion and said "understandable, have a good day" and leaves never to be returning

why am i like this

Finn Wolfhard SmutWhere stories live. Discover now