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•|Meeting Ethan and grayson|•

"C'mon Layla you have to go there is going to be a lot of cute boys and you need to find a boyfriend too how many years have you not had a boyfriend??" Giselle said looking at me. I put a pillow in my face "years from now" I groaned loud as I can. "Wow how sad" she said continuing her makeup. "Well sorry I'm not pretty skinny like you?" I said looking at her with a sad face. "Girl please you have long hair your thicc with two C's and you are on fire!!" Giselle said while getting up to her closet. " Fine I will go to the party if you make me pretty?" "OMG OMG yass finally ok c'mon". Giselle grab my hand and sat me down on her little stool she uses when she does her makeup. 30 mintues past and she was done with my make up and also done curling my hair. She put on one of her favorite dresses that she likes to wear. "Oh my God I'mma about to cry because you are fucking gorgeous look at my art piece" she slight pushes me to the mirror to see " what can I do with out you giselle" we go and hug each other "let's go to the party now bitch" she said dancing I laughed. Me and Giselle started heading out of our dorm room Giselle grabs the keys and we off the the party. Couple of minutes past and we arrived at the party soon as I and Giselle get out of the car boys are already staring at us. There was even Jack , Jack Dale he was the most biggest fuck boy I've ever met he always tried to fuck me but I just keep on saying no or end up hurting him. Me and giselle go threw the back because there was to much people at the front. I was walking and as you can hear my high heels clicking and also Giselle soon as we get closer the music gets louder and louder. "Hey is it fine if I go with Alex?" Giselle said "Yeah sure go have fun with him" I replied she goes around the pool to go hug and kiss Alex I just go inside so I could get a beer. I was walking until a very cute guy accidently spilled his drink on me "what the fuck" whipping the liquid off my dress I run upstairs to go to the bathroom to go clean up myself I go in a room and I found a bathroom I get a towel that was hanging up on one of those bars. I hear the door open I see the guy that accidently put his drink on me. "I'm..I'm Soo sorry" he said with a nervous look on his face "it's ok I'm fine" whipping off the droplets on my leg while I was doing that he just Stand there " wow you are so gorgeous" he whispered. "I heard that" I giggled "thank you though" I smiled. 30 second past and I was all dried up but not too dry " well uhh... I'm done" putting the towel down and going to the door "are sure you are ok?" He said with confusion. " Oh yeah im just gonna go now. don't wanna Miss the party" I winked at him. " Oh ok" I walk out of room to and to go find Giselle to her what happen I went I outside and spotted her she was dancing with Alex (her boyfriend) I going to approach her until Jack cut me off " well damm hottie we're you going?" "Not with you" I shoved him he grab my hand and pulled me back "c'mon give me a chance " " hell no get off of me I don't want you cause your just a piece of shit" I shoved him again he grab my hand one more time "please?" He said grabbing my waist tightly "GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER" Alex said grab him by the shirt "you better get away from her you fucken hear me" Giselle grab me by the hand and lead me inside " oh my goodness are you ok? Did he hurt you?" "Yeah a little on my waist" "what a fucking scumbag thank God I saved you" Giselle hugged me "now c'mon let this not ruin our night Alex will take care of him and we can have a fun night and plus Alex wants you to meet his best friend" "how fun what's his name"I asked. " Ethan Grant Dolan he also has a twin Grayson Bailey Dolan I think you will like them there pretty cool" "can't wait to meet them". Me and giselle go on the couches to wait for Alex. We see Alex "babe is everything ok?" Giselle asked "yeah now Layla if he ever does anything to you ever again just spray him with this" he hands me a pepper spray bottle "aww thank babe I love you" Giselle kisses him. "Well now let's go meet my best friends I know you well like them Layla there are the best" Alex leads me we're the twins are. Once I saw them I notice that one them was the one who spilled a drink on me. I couldn't tell who cause they both look alike they both kept on staring at me so that at least made it harder. "Ethan Layla , Layla Ethan" Alex said "hey" I waved my hand just a little. " Grayson layla , Layla grayson" I look over to grayson "hello" I smiled. Grayson kept on smiling his smile was everything it was magical. On the other hand I still couldn't figure out who spilled that drink on me but it was whatever. " Soo guys Layla single wink wink" I pushed Giselle "stop it" Giselle giggled "so me and Giselle are gonna dance so you guys have fun" Alex said grabbing giselle's hand and heading outside "well uhh... You guys have fun cause I'm already taken so see you then E" Grayson patted Ethan's shoulder " are you uhh the one that spilled that drink on me?" I smiled "yup sorry about that again" he scratched his head "well nice to meet you Ethan" I said "nice to meet you too Layla" he chuckled "you look very beautiful" he blushed a little bit "thanks you look very handsome" I chuckled and may had blush a little. "Wanna dance" he put his had out so I can grab it "yeah sure" I grab his hand and we both headed outside. We both turn around so we can both faced each other. Ethan grab my waist his hands were soft he grab my waist soft not hard like jack. We been dancing for mintues it was amazing with Ethan he was like a perfect boy. We both stared at each other his hazel eyes were everything his lips look so soft we're almost about to kiss until.. " hey bro we have to go my girlfriend is too drunk and I don't want her to get hurt" Grayson holding his girlfriend "oh ok uhh bye Layla see you around" both gray and him headed to there car "WAIT!!" i grab my phone "this is my phone number" I gave him the numbers he grabs his phone and dials it "thanks i'll text you tonight" Ethan winked. I walk back we're the party was I was going to look for Giselle and Alex so we can go because it was getting late I couldn't spot them so I just texted Giselle that I was going to the dorm room and leaving the party. I put my phone back in my pocket and started heading out the party I was walking for mintues until a car kept on following me it was getting closer until I see that diver was Ethan "Need. A ride?" Ethan said rolling down the window "yeah" I giggled I get the car and told him where to go until we arrived my part of building of the college "thanks for the ride I owe you one"I got of the car and headed to the entrance. I go in the elevator and press c3 button I just stand there for seconds and felt my phone buzz I checked to see what it is it was from Giselle.

Giselle😍: I'mma go with Alex for the night I will see you tomorrow.

Layla💜: alright I have to tell you something I'm really into Ethan :)

Giselle😍:ooOooO girl you better tell my tomorrow love ya gn ;)

Layla💜: alright gn

I walk up to my door and go in my pocket to get the keys. I couldn't find it until I rember Giselle had them "Fuck what the fuck am I supposed to do" I text Giselle but doesn't respond I text Alex but her also doesn't respond. All my friends are probably sleeping or having fun. "Shit I'm so fucking stupid" I'm thinking who to Text the I scroll down my phone and I see Ethan's contact. I was thinking to text him or not. I make up my mind to text him

Layla💜: I know we just met but I forgot that Giselle had the keys to our dorm room can I crash in yours?

Ethan💖: hell yeah my dorm is b18 Grayson won't be there he will be at his girlfriend's you can sleep in his bed the keys are under the mat I'll be there in 10

Layla💜: thank you so much I owe you big time see you there :)

Ethan💖: no worries make yourself at home grab some of my clothes to feel comfortable.

Layla💜: thanks

I get up and start walking to the elevator few seconds past and and finally got to the door room I check under the mat and find the keys I open the door to see a very neat room it smelled like clone. I walk in and take off my high heels and put them in a corner I take off my dress to leave me naked but not fully I still had my bra and underwear on I take off my neckless and put on a shelf I grab my head band to put my hair up. I go to the closet to find a big shirt so it and be a dress I find a shirt and put on me I was very tired I didn't know who's bed is Wich is Wich I just pick one and just go to sleep. I hear the door opening and I see that it was Ethan I just pretend that I was sleeping. Ethan had a bag with stuff in it. Ethan puts the bag down and stats to get undress he goes in his closet to get some clothes. I bit my lip because his body was so sexy he was so buff. He was done changing he was going we're I was sleep "good night beautiful" he kisses my forehead. I blush a little Ethan goes to the bed next to mine and goes to sleep.

Hey guys I hope you guys like the 1 chapter sorry that I deleted my last book I just didn't like we're it was going so I hope you like this book please vote on this ily guys and hope you guys have a good day💓

And also sorry if it's too long or short😑

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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