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Camila isn't very good with completing tasks. For example, homework. Camila is practically a genius in her teacher's eyes, but she can't seem to find the time to do it. Also, laundry. Yes, laundry. Camila tricks herself to believe that she can't really do laundry when she has homework to do!

And so on and so on.

It's December and Camila is on winter break. The joy, oh the joy! Yes, two weeks without having to worry about homework and responsibilities. She can relax and drink all the hot chocolate she desires. Staying inside her warm house, fuzzy festive socks on her feet and pretty Christmas lights glimmering around her house. Hanging out with her younger sister and just chilling with her dog, Fish.

Sofi named their dog when she was a wee child. The only word the little baby knew was fish, and Fish it came to be. Camila isn't complaining though, she's not very creative with names and it's funny when she tells people she has to walk her little Fishie. And she's not lying, because Fish is a dog. A very cute fluffy puppy.

With all the relaxing and feeling free, Camila has seem to let something slip past her mind. And can you really blame her? This is Camila, here. The girl who came to the last day of class with slippers and pajama pants on, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and asking people why everyone is so nervous, only to realize they were taking their final.

She still managed to pass the class of course. Camila isn't very attentive with these kind of things, but she's smart. That's at least  something going on for her.

So when Camila comes home with at least eight grocery bags in each hand, attempting a one trip, to find her mother sat in the middle of the living room, gift wrapping presents with Christmas music playing lightly in the back, she almost asks her mother what she's doing. But she figures it out soon enough when she looks at the calendar.

Camila almost drops all the bags on the floor, possibly shattering fragile cargo.


Sinus looks up from where she sits, tape on her chin and somehow, in her hair?

"Camila! Thanks for grocery shopping for me. You can go back to your room and hibernate in there until New Years. I'll slide a cracker or two under your door in case you get hungry." And then Sinu goes back to wrapping.

Camila puts the bags down onto the kitchen floor. Her army green beanie sitting on top of her brown hair, snow slowly melting and soaking the hat. A fat coat hugs her torso and reindeer pajama pants are snug against her long legs.

She walks up to the calendar and stares hard. Without moving an inch, she whispers, " is not the 23rd, right?"

"Yes it is. Tomorrow's Christmas Eve. Which reminds me, there aren't many presents under the tree this year.." Sinu trails off, twisting her torso side to side to look under their colorful tree without moving her butt.

Camila walks out the kitchen and looks at her mother with a certain bewildered look in her eyes.

"Oh my-"

Sinu blinks once.

"You haven't done your shopping. Am I correct?"

Camila's cheeks tiny pink and she crosses her arms defensively.

"Pft! Uh, totally, Ma."

"Oh Dios mío. ¡Muy flojo!" (Oh my God. So lazy!)

Camila huffs. "I'm sorry! I forgot!"

Sinu tilts her head down and widened her eyes, an eyebrow almost flying off her forehead. "Again, hija? This happens every year!"

Camila shifts from one feet to the other, almost in a stomping manner. "Mami." She whines.

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